Sharing Markers

Posted by ClayC 
Sharing Markers
March 07, 2014 04:17AM
What ways are there to share all this great marker information that PrCC can create? For example, I'm working on a 25 minute show that is going to get the full original composed music treatment plus Foley's and pro sound studio mix.

Ideally, I'd like to set markers, add my comments re music and sound fx events, and then export the markers tab which also contains all the TC info.

Question is: how to ? Been looking, but haven't found anything.

Re: Sharing Markers
March 07, 2014 05:06AM
Answered my own question to a large extent:

With the Sequence pane selected and NOT the Markers tab (jeez...but works) the path is File > Export > Markers. From there you can export either a .csv file which can be opened in excel and printed out easily enough or shared by any common method. Or, export an .html containing the thumbnails, timecodes and notes from the Markers tab. Pr puts the .html file together with the thumbs into a folder which could then be zipped and mailed or shared via Cloud. Or with the .html open in a browser (works fine in Safari) then Print > Save as pdf > Save > Destination to create an easily shareable pdf.

What would be very cool is if ProTools could read (i.e.) import the .csv. Anybody know?

Re: Sharing Markers
March 07, 2014 09:17AM
You can use a tool called EdiMarker to import markers into Pro Tools:

However, it has its own marker format and currently Cut Notes is the only app to write to it. But if you're interested I can add it to Project Overview which would allow you to go straight from Premiere markers via FCP XML.

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Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
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