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Adobe Premiere Pro CC
working with 4K in premierePosted by Larry Garb
I have original 4K footage 4096x 2160 when I export out a UHD 3840by2160 the picture is blown up to fit the frame. I want to export out the picture without it being blown up with mattes on the top and botom. When I do the same thing in finalcutX. It doesn't blow the picture up, but it puts mattes on the top and bottom. WHat do I need to do to match what final cut is doing?
In the flyout menu in the export dialog? there is a bunch of options for resizing.
Alternatively you can drop your sequence into a new sequence with the desired output frame size, right click on the nest in the timeline and check "scale to frame size". ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Well, according to my testing, the 4K video was restricted to editing in NLE including Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects. And the MP4 format is not supported by Adobe PP, AE perfectly. To get rid of the issues, one possible solution is to transcode 4K to a more "edit" friendly codec for Premiere Pro/After Effects. I used Brorsoft Video Converter for Mac currently. It saves my life.
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