Creating unique file names for AVCHD clips

Posted by hyc 
Creating unique file names for AVCHD clips
February 21, 2017 01:54PM
I'm importing footage into a project file for a feature-length film. The files are AVCHD and I think they were shot on either the C100 or C300 (the director is unsure which). We're hoping to edit everything natively.

The files load in fine, but I noticed that all of the many reels have clips with generic names (e.g., 00001.MTS, 00002.MTS, etc).

From my knowledge, each clip needs to have a unique file name, timecode and come from a unique reel/tape # to preserve the link back to the original AVCHD file structure.

Does anyone have a good workaround for this? Thank you!
Re: Creating unique file names for AVCHD clips
April 16, 2017 01:32PM
I would look at Intelligent Assistance's Sync N' Link or one of their other clip utilities. They're quite good.

Best, as always.
Loren S. Miller
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