Avid goes 64 bits

Posted by strypes 
Re: Avid goes 64 bits
July 20, 2011 08:22PM
Thanks Ian. I may go the Resolve route and CC that with a Tangent Wave and online portions of it in AE. That should be easier and cheaper (for me) as I don't have automatic duck. Yea, It's usually straight cuts and dissolves when you go between softwares.

Re: Avid goes 64 bits
July 20, 2011 10:56PM
Well if you are lucky enough to work on shows that aren't mucked up with cheesy sapphire effects than resolve may be the way to go. But the tangent wave, now that's pretty fancy pants.
Re: Avid goes 64 bits
July 22, 2011 09:01PM
Ben King Wrote:
> Currently AE CS5.5 (and earlier) does not use the
> Mercury Playback engine - only Premiere CS5+ has
> Mercury Playback.
> However AE CS5.5 will handle any CODEC you have
> the (working) QT CODEC component for.

Thanks, Ben and Sprocketz.
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