An update here. I decided to go with Export MXF for NLEs because it works. Not fancy great, but it works. With that option, I can go back to the source camera files, do an export MXF for NLEs and do a batch import. Good news is that it is lossless and relatively fast, and the process is like fcp's log and transfer. Bad news is that the process is like doing the log and transfer process twice. Once for the op1A mxfs, then a second time for Avid's op-atom mxfs. And the process happens in the foreground. For both processes. So if you have 20 XDCAM EX cards, you have to export them out as OP 1A MXFs 1 card at a time, then bring them into Avid and convert them to Avid's OP-Atom MXF format 1 folder at a time (unless you had all the mxfs in the same folder and you want to import them into 1 gigantic bin and sort them out afterwards).
AMA still doesn't seem to be half as stable or speedy as native Avid media. The other method is to AMA the files into Avid, and consolidate the files so they become Avid files. Problem is that I wasn't sure if you can re-link the consolidated Avid media back to the Sony XDCAM EX source files. If you can't you may as well throw away the Sony media, since they are now basically useless.
Now I am wondering if there is a way to run the Export MXFs for NLE command via Terminal, so it can work on multiple cards at a time.