Two things that annoy me about MC6

Posted by ianedit 
Two things that annoy me about MC6
May 27, 2012 11:50PM
Can I just say that the interface for Avid has annoyed for like the past 15 years in the sense that the source record monitors cannot be individually resized. I was really hoping that MC6 would adopt the FCP method of actually being able to resize the monitors high on the screen and pull them to the sides with black bars appearing on the sides in the monitor window like in FCP when you resize it to a shape other than the format you are cutting so you can have a huge timeline but no space on the sides up top. I end up having to make my source record really small to fit 8 video and 16 audio tracks so I end up with empty sides up top. I just thought of this because I am on a FCP job for the first time in awhile and forgot how sexxy the interface was.

Also the fact that you still cannot mix on the fly or change the size of the timeline while it's playing but you could do both of those things in FCP since Al Gore was running for President is pretty annoying.

Just a rant.
Re: Two things that annoy me about MC6
May 28, 2012 12:55PM
The 16 active audio track limitation tops my list.
Re: Two things that annoy me about MC6
May 28, 2012 11:58PM
Ditto Ian's monitor resize bugaboo. For rest, MC is pretty flexible. I much like Premiere Pro 6's freedom to arrange... I was looking for this in FCP X-perimental as well. Pretty rigid. Pretty autistic. MC6 and PP6 are FCP8.

- Loren
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