"A Cautionary Tale for the FCP Switcher"

Posted by walterbiscardi 
"A Cautionary Tale for the FCP Switcher"
May 29, 2012 07:13AM
My latest article is up on the Creative Cow that outlines all the issues we ran into with our latest attempt to introduce Avid 6 to the workflow of a current series. Didn't go as planned, but on the upside, we're still in communication with Avid and hoping to work with them on back-end issues.


Walter Biscardi, Jr.
Biscardi Creative Media
Re: "A Cautionary Tale for the FCP Switcher"
May 29, 2012 10:02AM
Hi Walter, thanks for sharing. There are caveats in working in AMA since the first version of Avid, which is why I always saw it as the FCP equivalent of log and transfer- AMA and then consolidate/transcode to offline or online media depending on your workflow. Then at the end of it, export an AAF file. AMA just gives a bit more flexibility than L&T, but getting it into MXF is something most Avid editors swear by for a good reason. But there are other caveats that I've heard about such as the tape name issue that you mentioned.

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