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Avid Media Composer
Argh! Avid customer service - can't registerPosted by Jewel
One of the main reasons I quit Avid years ago was their horrendous "customer service". Their CS rep Marianna assured me it wasn't hat way anymore - just before she went on vacation after taking my info & without helping me!
My Avid student Verification number doesn't work. That's the # they sent on a sticker with the disk. I double-checked everything, every possible permutation. Tried to register at the site/page they sent me to - www.identit-e,com/avid. Nothing works. I'm supposed to exchange that for a serial number there. I can't get on Avid's community boards to ask there, either - since it won't recognize me or my password - even the temp PW they sent me! i canonly read whatever I happen to bea ble to google - nothing helpful yet. I don't know what else to ask, it's been days, I'm dead in the water - this is why I hate AVID! Argh!
Are you sure you're entering the correct number? When I first registered Pro Tools the code was not where they said it would be and I had to enter every number on the card until it finally accepted one of them.
My software: Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more More tools...
Thanks - yes, I'm absolutely sure I'm entering the right number.
It's on a specific sticker that comes in the box. The number say: MC06Sxxxxxxx. = Media Composer6, student/academic version, number. It's the number I'm supposed to echange at their student ID verify page to get the regular number. There are other numbers on a 2nd sticker, butthose are specifically for: Pro Tools, Sorensen, etc - they are specifically labeled for each one. So frustrating. I am not a newbie at this. This shoul dbe straightforward. I've tried caps, lower case, 0's vs O's. At least 6 to 10 times, total. I even wrote down each permutation as I went, to keep track. The capper is, when I tried to go on their boards to ask there - the system refused to recognize me there, too. It knew my email addy, but wouldn't even recognize the temp PW they just sent me. Thanks for helping, I suspect there's nothing to do about it unless I can get one of their paid-service-subscriber service guys to take pity on me and enter my number at their end. Avid, if you ever read this - your service still sucks rotten eggs!!
Marianna is definitely the person to sort this out; it's unfortunate she's on holiday. She's helped me in the past with serial number issues.
My software: Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more More tools...
What Jon said. Marianna's the one to go to, and she's awesome at sorting stuff like this out. Since you can't access the Avid forums, I popped your question up there. Hope someone gets back to you soon. Cripes. Their forum software is ancient!
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Thank you so much for asking on their forums for me.
![]() I can't believe Avid (as a company) still doesn't get this. There really is no reason for this sort of snafu. Proof: This never happens with Mac/Apple. When I worked in features, we were all Mac & Avid. You never heard us hating on Apple. (Or any other vendor - Lightworks, Premiere, whatever.) If you got softwware anywhere else, the ID# was clear, you followed instructions, it registered & worked. Boom. Thank you , yes, I emailed Marianna 3 days ago. I found her in the first place by running a google search - I vaguely remembered her mentioned elsewhere - probably here - but that sort of thing should be on the site too - on the registration page, etc. She asked for all my info. When I didn't hear back from her a day later, I emailed her again (day 3). That's when I got her automated reply that she was out of town for a few days personal reasons (may not be a vacation, just clarifying.) So it went: she asked for my information, and I told her I was dead in the water and needed to register asap. No reply the 2nd/ next day, so the 3rd I emailed and she's out of town. Now it's the 4th day into it. Seriously, if she's their sole CS snafu go-to, and she's gone for days, they need to have a back-up. Otherwise, it's not "customer success" (their name.) Back in Avid loop hell for me - til Aug 5 or whatever. Thanks for helping me here - ![]()
2 things, and try to keep the rant out of it. Even Apple has bad days. Recently, Apple reportedly gave out redemption codes for Mountain Lion that couldn't work.
Have you tried running the demo? That can get you covered until Marianna comes back. And have you called Avid support (800-800-2843)? ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Jewel Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Thank you so much for asking on their forums for > me. ![]() > > I can't believe Avid (as a company) still doesn't > get this. There really is no reason for this sort > of snafu. Proof: This never happens with > Mac/Apple. When I worked in features, we were > all Mac & Avid. You never heard us hating on > Apple. (Or any other vendor - Lightworks, > Premiere, whatever.) If you got softwware > anywhere else, the ID# was clear, you followed > instructions, it registered & worked. Boom. Um, oh yes it happens with Mac / Apple / Adobe. Had to wait three days just recently before we could run CS6 because it took that long for the magical Adobe serial number computer to generate a serial number for us. Apple upgrades required me to save my serial number from my original copy of FCP 1.2.5 or I could not install the upgrades. All software has issues at times with serials numbers and such. As someone else said download the demo for the time being or run your software in Demo mode. It's good for 30 days and when Marianna returns, she'll get the issue taken care of. Walter Biscardi, Jr. Biscardi Creative Media biscardicreative.com
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