FCP 7 and Avid MC 6.5 - Files strcutures, archiving, general workflow
November 13, 2012 06:03PM
In fcp 7 - it is recommended to use 3 folders on an external hard drive to store files :

FCP Media (where folder per project are created and named and where all the media goes into)
FCP Docs (everything elses goes there)
FCP Projects (where sequences of projects are saved)

How can this be translated with Avid Media Composer 6.5? If you do not know, do you know who can help?

Thanks very much.

Re: FCP 7 and Avid MC 6.5 - Files strcutures, archiving, general workflow
November 13, 2012 06:23PM
What do you mean by translated? Do you want to make a similar set up in an Avid project, or open the FCP project on an Avid?

If the latter, you might want to have a read of Automatic Duck's stuff. [www.automaticduck.com]

Re: FCP 7 and Avid MC 6.5 - Files strcutures, archiving, general workflow
November 13, 2012 06:27PM
I wish to have a similar set up as the FCP 7 for archiving and retrieval purposes
Re: FCP 7 and Avid MC 6.5 - Files strcutures, archiving, general workflow
November 14, 2012 06:46AM
I'm going to move this to another Forum which might get you better answers then.

FCP 7 and Avid MC 6.5 - Files strcutures, archiving, general workflow
November 14, 2012 06:46AM
-- moved topic --
Re: FCP 7 and Avid MC 6.5 - Files strcutures, archiving, general workflow
November 15, 2012 11:37AM
Sorry for the late reply. This is a tough question to answer without clarification on exactly what you plan to do, and whether that Avid machine is an edit station, because Avid handles media management within the app, whereas FCP leaves it to you to decide where the media should reside.

Ideally, you have a folder of Avid projects in the same directory, and media management is handled within Avid in the "Media Creation" settings, and they are imported to the drive that you have designated as your media drive, unless you edit using Avid Media Access (AMA). Accessing media with AMA, will be similar to how FCP accesses media, in that the media is not copied to your media drive on import/consolidation. There are a few caveats to this, in that you may have issues exporting an AAF file when you are done with the edit.

If you want to do archival/retrieval, you can choose to consolidate the media in a project onto an archival drive, or export the final sequence as an AAF file with handles. Exporting as an AAF file will be similar to using FCP's Media Manager on a sequence, and trimming it to just the media used with handles. That AAF can then be imported into Avid in future or brought to an online facility depending on your settings for the AAF file and your workflow needs.

MC6.5 has an option to export to AS-02, which is an archival format, and I gather it is a flavor of MXF, and it does a video mixdown of your edit so you no longer get individual cut points like in an AAF. That would be a little similar to exporting your Master QT file, QTs with different languages, and your submaster QT from FCP, except that all that links to one video mixdown file. But that's what I can gather. I don't really know too much about it as there doesn't seem to be a White Paper on AS-02, and what exactly it does.

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