How to Play a 29.97 Avid Project Clip in a 23.976 Avid Project without stutter?

Posted by bgabgabga 
How to Play a 29.97 Avid Project Clip in a 23.976 Avid Project without stutter?
September 10, 2015 09:22PM
My project is 23.976.

I was given a clip that is 29.97. I started a 29.97 project... where the clip plays correctly.

Going back to my 23.976 project... I open the bin ( from the 29.97 ) project... and the clip stutters.

How do I eliminate the stutter... as I thought Avid played clips with mix-frame rates....? Is there a setting I'm missing?

Re: How to Play a 29.97 Avid Project Clip in a 23.976 Avid Project without stutter?
February 03, 2016 01:29AM
What is the codec? I have LOTS of 29.97 in my 23.98 that plays beautifully. You transcoded it right, in the 29.97 project?
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