HELP I'm getting this crash, Crash detected Video output
February 03, 2016 01:26AM
I changed nothing on my system. I just came back the next day to this, crash. I have uninstalled my Matrox card deleted its drivers. I have re-installed AVID MC 8.4.2 and then MC 8.4.5

Digital Rebellion says this is this relevant line: 1 libAvidDX_VDM.dylib 0x0000000244af8811 GetAvidDXinUse() + 119

I have a backup drive at MC 6.00, but this project has some of the newer codecs in it, and it MC 6.00 crashes when it tries to scan the Media folder.
Re: HELP I'm getting this crash, Crash detected Video output
February 03, 2016 03:14PM
Hi Ethan,

Can you post the entire log please?

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
More tools...
Re: HELP I'm getting this crash, Crash detected Video output
February 13, 2016 06:11PM
Avid support created a new Log In and that allowed Avid to work normally. So it was some sort of corruption in my log in settings.

That's the first time that particular trick has ever worked for me. And I thought something like that would be fixed by a complete re-install of software, but not so.
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