FCP 7.0.1 Clip Name Change

Posted by chops11 
FCP 7.0.1 Clip Name Change
June 03, 2011 12:39AM
I've searched the forum, but could not find if this problem has been addressed. All the clips in my sequence and many in my bins have been renamed by Final Cut so that they all have the exact same clip name on the timeline(whatever the sequence is titled). It makes it impossible to see what's what on a timeline or to match back to the original clip.
Re: FCP 7.0.1 Clip Name Change
February 27, 2012 08:48PM
there's a known bug in FCP 7 that gives that result.

it happens if the first clip in your sequence is a still (or FCP generator)

solution is not to have a still as your first frame, or better, upgrade to 7.03!

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