Malformed mp4 file causes 'General Error' and 'Out of Memory' error in FCP

Posted by Alex4D 
Malformed mp4 file causes 'General Error' and 'Out of Memory' error in FCP
November 11, 2008 08:46AM
After I download the 79MB mp4 video from the link in the bottom right corner of

which ends up being "85989774_c7d332975b_orig.mp4" on my computer, and add it to a new FCP project, there are a few problems.

Firstly I cannot use 'Item Properties->Format' to start SmoothCam analysis on the clip. No pop-up appears.
Secondly after adding it to a new sequence (after the do you want to change settings of this sequence to match the clip), I get this

...followed by the 'Out of Memory' error.

When opened in QuickTime Player, it cannot determine the data size.
Re: Malformed mp4 file causes 'General Error' and 'Out of Memory' error in FCP
December 23, 2008 03:35PM
I won't advise editing off any of the mpeg formats at all (or run smoothcam on them). You should convert them to an editable codec in Compressor/Mpeg Streamclip

Mpeg has always been sketchy in FCP. I had an Mpeg break up into a patches of green frames recently when i tried to render it in a video (i just wanted a quick sample for the client, so a still was more than sufficient).
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