portable dvd player not compatible with DVDSP?

Posted by curtis 
Hi all,

I recently purchased a 'GO VIDEO' portable DVD player model #DP8240. Got it for the video input capability and planned on using it for small presentations in which I would demo my DVDs.
Problem- When I playback any DVD that I authored using DVDSP (ver 1.5) the player sounds like its having a heart attack. Worst of all, it plays the startup action twice before jumping to main menu and plays each video transition twice before jumping to the appropriate track. Also does not jump to specified buttons within track, rather always jumps to start of track no matter what.

My concern is compatibility. How many other players out there treat my DVDs the same way? why? and what can i do about it?

Answers to any of these three would be very helpful.

I just bought a Polaroid PDM-0723 portable dvd player for the same purpose. It plays back and navigates my dvdsp dvd's with no problem. When in the store I also played my dvdsp dvd on other players and there was no problem.

Maybe there's something wrong with your GO VIDEO player, the menu settings, but I don't think it could be dvdsp because mine works fine. I'm using dvdsp4 and the dvd I tested has a motion menu with 3 chapter buttons.

I'd suggest taking your dvds to a store that has players hooked up to monitors and testing your dvds on different players. I insisted on doing that before buying my portable player and maybe was lucky to get a sales person who went out of his way to hook up their demo players to a monitor (against their store's usual policy) - but he made the sale.

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