Wrong "Activated" highlight

Posted by Mat Dee 
Wrong "Activated" highlight
December 19, 2006 12:30PM
As I understand there are three overlay colors in "Simple" mode for buttons: "Normal", "Selected" and "Activated".

I have a very simple dvd menu where there are five buttons on a white background .psd file. Each button is just plain text (I use the "Include Text in Highlight"winking smiley and each button has a different track as its target. I use blue and dark blue as my "Selected" and "Activated" colors and black as my "Normal" color. Each color's opacity is set to "15".

Now when I go into Simulate mode everything seems to be working fine and when I click on the down/up/enter keys on the Simulate-remote the buttons I want are highlighted with the colors I want. When I burn the disc and put it into a regular DVD-player, buttons seems to be highlighted in Normal/Selected/Activated mode just the way they are in Simulate mode. But just before a track starts (no matter which track) the menu sort of freezes and only the top button is highlighted for a second or so. This seems to be the case no matter which button I select.

How can I fix this?

Re: Wrong "Activated" highlight
December 19, 2006 04:12PM
Typically, you would build an at least 4 layer .psd menu as 720 x 480 IE for DV. Make sure Photoshop is using square pixels or it throws off the horizontal size.

Import that .psd item as a menu and three of the top layers have an exact duplicate of the button icon, except that each layers color is different. One for each, Normal, Selected and Activated.

DVD Studio knows how to activate each layer appropriately after you set each layers sequence by telling it which is the Normal, Selected and Active layers of the .psd document.
Re: Wrong "Activated" highlight
December 21, 2006 12:10AM
the freezing part before a DVD loads and starts playing the track is normal, but you are saying that the highlighted color is always on the same botton?

is your bottons embeded in the psd file? if not, just double check the highlight color settings and make sure they are set to the color you want, and try to play the disk in a few different dvd player...

good luck
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