Anybody know about Invalid pointer error?

Posted by birdman 
Anybody know about Invalid pointer error?
August 28, 2006 02:52AM
My project stops in the build process at the same place and Im getting a message from the log <invalid ptr err> I have lots of space on all discs. the last log item before it stops is <compiling VTS#1(project name(video)). Any Ideas? DVDSP 4,G-4 dual,running studio.
Re: Anybody know about Invalid pointer error?
September 20, 2006 10:07AM
Birdman, you could be getting the error for any of many reasons. Here are some things you can check.

- Be certain there are no chapter markers at the end of the track. It's possible (has happened to me a few times) and will always fail.

- If you're using subtitles, be sure no subtitles cross the boundaries of any chapter marker.

- The problem might be the last item that DVDSP tried to compile before VTS#1. Double check that all assets are properly connected to your menus -- including backgrounds.

- Try resaving your project under a new name (save as).

- Resave your project to a different disk. That may force it to rebuild the PAR files, which can sometimes get confused.

- Close DVD studio Pro, get rid of all the files that DVDSP creates (PAR, previous builds and formats etc., old versions etc). Then reopen the project. This should force DVDSP to re-parse everything.

Let me know if any of this works. I suspect that one of them will.

bob rice
frameworx media
Re: Anybody know about Invalid pointer error?
September 22, 2006 01:04AM
Thanks for the reply Bob. I'm still having the exact same problem. I have tried almost everything on your list and to no avail. I have lots of room on all drives, I saved the DVDSP project to another drive under a different name, no luck. I reinstalled DVDSP, no luck. The menu is very simple, a filmstrip template, 6 chapter markers including the automatically installed Start chapter marker. Everything works in simulation mode, does that mean everything is OK with the connections and background? It gets better, I took the project to another computer on a firewire drive and it worked, no problem. Three days later I take the same project with a few minor changes to the same outside computer and this time I get the same Invalid_ptr_err. I thought it was something with my copy of DVDSP, now Im not sure what it is. Im going back to the other computer for another try. Any other Ideas?

Thanks Birdman
Re: Anybody know about Invalid pointer error?
September 30, 2006 01:07AM
I finally figured it out after checking out all those other things, it was the wrong version of quicktime. After updating quicktime player everything worked just fine.
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