Audio dropout on slideshow@

Posted by paul kelleher 
Audio dropout on slideshow@
April 01, 2010 01:55PM
The project:
DVDSP 4.2.2/ 2.8 GB DVD, 1 50 min vid w/ 2 alt aud tracks/2 slideshows with music underneath

I a DVD with 2 slideshows on it, each with its own song underneath, set to "fit to audio" (plus a video/audio track- but that is working fine)
The problem is the music dropout during slideshow playback, it plays then stops, then plays, every few seconds, consistently bad on 1 specific DVD player, but a bit flaky on several. After MANY hours, I THINK I have kinda figured out that its related to MARKERS. After not getting the slideshow to work, I tried "convert to track". Still had dropouts ( this is only after burning to an actual DVD BTW, simulations are all fine), so I deleted the purple chapter(?) markers on the track and got clean playback ( only 18 DVDs coastered!!). Now my second slideshow ( WAS playing fine.. now same issue) is acting up, so before I go thru the "convert to track/remove markers" process, I thought I would check to see if someone can tell me how to just make the slideshows behave as they should... can anyone help?


Re: Audio dropout on slideshow@
April 02, 2010 01:02PM
Anybody? Anything?
Re: Audio dropout on slideshow@
June 06, 2010 12:58PM
Slideshows are not my favourite part of DVDSP. In every case I find I get errors when I use them, and I end up converting them to tracks, or building them manually in FCP (or Motion) instead and importing them as video.

I'd think you are right about the markers. There is no reason why audio will drop out of a track because of them, but Slideshows are plain ugly. Try converting one to a track (it'll keep your timings and everything) and see if it still happens.


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