Menu button issues!

Posted by Carpboy 
Menu button issues!
October 11, 2010 01:10AM
I'm trying to get back to the main menu when the movie is playing and having no success.

Once my "Target" starts playing regardless of whether it is the main menu or special feature or a chapter point, you're committed, there's no way to go back to the main menu!

This seems like an easy fix, but I'm missing it. Obviously I need to check a box somewhere, but I can't find it or my DVD player is an antique.

I'm all out of youtube tutorials.

Thanks guys.
Re: Menu button issues!
October 11, 2010 05:31PM
OK - I'm assuming that you've got the main settings in the property inspector all pointing to the right places - click on the disc icon in the outline view, or the grey background if you are using the graphical view. In the PI, look to see where the drop down selection boxes for 'Menu' and 'Title' are pointing to. These govern the way the basic navigation works when a viewer uses the 'Menu' or 'Title' button on their remote handset.

You can change these on a per track basis... so if your target from the menu is track 1, you click on the track 1 icon and you will be able to change the menu behaviour for the track, despite what the disc level settings are.

You can also do this for chapter markers.

You cannot set a menu call to take place when you are already in a menu - if you go from a menu to a track, and then back to a menu, and then use the menu button again you will end up back in the track. This is how menu buttons are designed to work - they act as a resume feature if you've played a track.


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