CSI: Miami

Posted by Flipper7 
CSI: Miami
February 09, 2010 01:27PM
CSI: Miami has always had a roll-in text behavior for the credits with the actors' names overlaying a digital alpha-numeric sequence. You can see it on any You Tube video of the opening credits and intro theme. Does anyone know if it's a Motion text behavior and if so, which one? It doesn't seem to be in the list of included behaviors. And if not, does anyone know which program is used to generate the credits sequences or if its a third-party plug-in available for Motion?
Re: CSI: Miami
February 11, 2010 02:53PM
I watched the intro on youtube and all they do is a cheesy wipe
from "alpha-numeric" characters to the actor's name.
FCP will do it, so will motion

Flipper7 Wrote:
> CSI: Miami has always had a roll-in text behavior
> for the credits with the actors' names overlaying
> a digital alpha-numeric sequence. You can see it
> on any You Tube video of the opening credits and
> intro theme. Does anyone know if it's a Motion
> text behavior and if so, which one? It doesn't
> seem to be in the list of included behaviors. And
> if not, does anyone know which program is used to
> generate the credits sequences or if its a
> third-party plug-in available for Motion?
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