I'm having difficulty exporting a quicktime movie from motion w/ a transparent b.g. I've created a name bar with some simple behaviors and filters. View > Channels > Transparent is set. What am I forgetting? It probably makes the most sense to export from FCP and build in Motion but shouldn't this work anyhow?
Re: Can't export quicktime w/ transparent b.g.
September 08, 2005 10:57AM
Make sure that your background is set to 0% opacity and also make sure you are using a codec that supports transparency, i.e., animation. If you are using Motion 1, you need to dig into the settings to set it to "millions+" (the + means the alpha channel); Motion 2 has an alpha channel preset you can use.
Re: Can't export quicktime w/ transparent b.g.
September 08, 2005 12:16PM
or, You could import the "motion" project directly into the FCP timeline, thats just like the other media file could.

Antonio Hui

Re: Can't export quicktime w/ transparent b.g.
September 08, 2005 01:12PM
Also make sure when exporting an Alpha Channel to set the Alpha to "STRAIGHT" and not "Premultiplied" for a clean matte.

- Joey

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