Missing file browser window

Posted by willfcp 
Missing file browser window
December 04, 2007 04:40PM
I don't know what happened but when I load Motion, the file browser/library/inspector window is gone and I can't get it back. I tried everything I could think of, changing the layout, switching to only one monitor, etc. I don't know how I lost it and I'm going nuts trying to get it back. Any thoughts? I'm sure it's a click of a button but I just can't find that button. Thanks in advance.
Re: Missing file browser window
December 04, 2007 07:11PM
Trash your preferences file - user/library/preferences/com.apple.motion.plist
Re: Missing file browser window
December 04, 2007 10:57PM
Ah! So simple yet brilliant. Thank you so much. Worked like a charm.
Re: Missing file browser window
December 31, 2007 12:39AM
I'm having the same issue as this poster but the plist file is missing. I restarted the program and the computer and it is not generating a new plist. I can still modify items in the Preferences menu and they stick when I reopen the program. But the Layout Manager freezes if I open it. Advice would be much appreciated!
Re: Missing file browser window
December 31, 2007 01:09AM
Figured it out. Thanks though!
Re: Missing file browser window
January 18, 2008 11:22PM
Same issues with the Layout Manager, browser, library, inspector. It happened right after I loaded a motion project from a download. Trashing prefs worked but when will the problem come back? It's a bug either in Motion or OSX

OSX 10.5.1
2x2.66 dual core
4GB ram

"It's brand new, it should work"
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