Bug with XDCAM 24p preset?

Posted by mark@avolution 
Bug with XDCAM 24p preset?
July 29, 2008 09:00AM
Try this (my motion is 3.02)

Go to Edit/ Project Settings
Select XDCAM (HD or EX) 24p
Accept this change.

You will see the frame rate stays at 29.97!

Is this a bug; or is there a place to set the frame rate
to 23.97?

I don't use Motion much; so I could be missing something
Re: Bug with XDCAM 24p preset?
July 29, 2008 10:29AM
No, it's not a bug. Just like FCP, once you have created a sequence (or project with Motion), you can't change its timecode base. You need to create a new preset, then create a new project using that preset.
Re: Bug with XDCAM 24p preset?
July 29, 2008 11:31AM
markspencer Wrote:
> No, it's not a bug. Just like FCP, once you have
> created a sequence (or project with Motion), you
> can't change its timecode base. You need to create
> a new preset, then create a new project using that
> preset.

Thank you, I see the light
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