Round tripping

Posted by frank sd 
Round tripping
September 30, 2008 07:53PM
Hi everyone. I am doing some round tripping between Motion and FCP with some pix and text animation and I have followed all the advice that Mark mentioned. Setting the render in motion to best and all. When I bring the project back in to fcp and I park the playhead on the clip that needs to be rendered everything is nice and crisp but as soon as I render and play back the clip it looks terrible. what gives?
Re: Round tripping
September 30, 2008 09:07PM
It could be a couple of things:

1) The codec of your FCP sequence. For instance, if your sequence is DV, then you are rendering your Motion project into DV, which is destroying your motion graphics.

2) You are judging the results by FCP's Canvas, which does not show you what your final output looks like. For more info, you could check out this article:


3) The combination of both 1) and 2).
Re: Round tripping
October 02, 2008 03:23AM
Thanks Mark.
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