Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?

Posted by mark@avolution 
Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?
March 30, 2010 10:40AM
Are there many Motion templates out there for creating free-style randomesque
slide shows. For example, we have 88 slides but my boss says there are
tenplates that will create motion for the slides and sort of change it up.

I am not aware of any, but I probably don't know where to look.


p.s. it is for Motion 3 on an (arghhh) PPC
Re: Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?
March 30, 2010 10:47AM
You might want to check out some of the plugins available as part of FxFactory


In particular, CoverFlux from Idustrial Revolution is free - as is Pan and Zoom from Noise Industries, and there are others there.

Also if you register on my site [], you'll get a free "slidemaster" template
Re: Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?
March 30, 2010 10:53AM
I just found this page for Cover Flux (thanks) but when I click on more info
on either a PC and Mozilla or this Mac on Safari it comes up at a 404, page not

I am trying to glean if this will work on 10.411 (as most FxFactory plugs will not
run on Tiger)...but I can't find out.

markspencer Wrote:
> You might want to check out some of the plugins
> available as part of FxFactory
> []
> In particular, CoverFlux from Idustrial Revolution
> is free - as is Pan and Zoom from Noise
> Industries, and there are others there.
> Also if you register on my site
> [], you'll get a free
> "slidemaster" template
Re: Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?
March 30, 2010 11:07AM
Just click on "CoverFlux" from this page:

Re: Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?
March 31, 2010 10:18AM
As I suspected, it needs Leopard, and we have Tiger.
There is no point on a macectomy until the true 16 core processors
come out later this year (I hope)..although we are only running a G5,
there is no point jumping to 8 core when 16 core is so close!

markspencer Wrote:
> Just click on "CoverFlux" from this page:
> []
Re: Slide show templates for Quick and Dirty Slide Presentations?
April 01, 2010 12:11AM
Yes, That's very nice site...We should give promoting to this site...Because there are many details available here so I hope you will give importance to this in future time.........
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