animation in motion 4

Posted by tomtom 
animation in motion 4
April 02, 2010 07:57AM
Hello all!

I am just wondering is it possible to animate a bicycle in motion 4 having the wheels spinning and the driver waving at the same time?
Re: animation in motion 4
April 02, 2010 08:21AM
If it's a side view of the bicycle, wheels spinning shouldn't be much of a problem. Arm waving might require surgery, but if you can separate it from the body it should be doable.

All the best,

Re: animation in motion 4
April 02, 2010 05:28PM
Nope. Totally impossible. Computers aren't that powerful yet.

Obviously I'm kidding. Yes, of course it's possible to create animations in Motion. That's what Motion does. It's not at all obvious whether Motion is the best tool for the job ? you've told us absolutely nothing about what you're trying to do ? but it's certainly a tool for the job.

Re: animation in motion 4
April 03, 2010 04:33AM
the link parameter will be your friend in that case to sync your elements in movement.

(Came with Motion 4)

Here is your bike !

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