Color Correction

Posted by Exumawop 
Color Correction
February 05, 2011 12:02PM
I am having a problem with a Motion project affecting the 3-Way Color Correction in FCP.

I imported a clip (NYC skyline) into Motion, did some animation to a building, then sent it back to FCP. I added 3-way Color Correction to both the original clip and the Motion project (of the same clip) and they are noticeably different. The Motion project not only blurs the clouds a bit, but changes the color. I can't get the Motion project to look the same as the original clip. I can color correct the Motion clip, but it doesn't look as good as the original.

Has anyone else had this problem? Why does Motion affect the color differently? Is there a setting in Motion that changes this, maybe the codec or something? Is it something to do with the transfer between programs?
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