Insert ripple edit?

Posted by CTB 
Insert ripple edit?
April 03, 2007 11:28AM
Maybe this falls under the heading of silly questions but is there a way to insert ripple edit video and audio into a STP multitrack project?

I?ve got a 14 min doc in FCP that is ready to go for audio sweetening ? I can export it to a STP multi track project, do all my processing, export it out and then import the resulting aiff into FCP.

But what happens if my client wants to change a couple of clips and the audio associated with it. The audio mix past the edit points would then be outa wack with the video. I?m thinking I could reexport the project but then I?d have to do the processing all over again. If I go back into the STP multitrack project I?d need to insert the new audio and vid, is this the best way to work it?
Re: Insert ripple edit?
April 03, 2007 02:58PM
I don't know all the answers, except for, "Hey, thanks, client, I asked you if this was a lock!"

I'm thinking you'll have to do some copying/pasting from the version 1 multi-track project into the version 2 project, which you can do, it will lay all the clips into new tracks for you. Highlighting clips will allow you to move them around as a group, even into different tracks.

Cameron Young
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