trashing STP preference file

Posted by rube 
trashing STP preference file
October 19, 2006 02:16PM
I've trashed the FCP file before but I can't seem to find one for STP.
is there one? And how do I trash if if there is.
Re: trashing STP preference file
October 20, 2006 04:45PM

Drag it to the trash and restart Sount Track Pro. You should find all of its preconceived notions have vanished, like the last file you opened, sample rates, etc.

Re: trashing STP preference file
December 12, 2006 10:33AM
I am a newbie to STP and I have lost the Analysis window. I have trashed my preferences, and selected the Analysis Layout, but I still can't find the Analysis button at all.
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