Soundtrack Pro not what I need

Posted by pmars 
Soundtrack Pro not what I need
February 25, 2009 02:44AM
I need to find simple background tracks - music, beat, just something very simple I can fade in and out here and there. I do not wish to spend days learning soundtrack pro, and after spending 20 minutes trying to import a sound file with no success, I give up!

There is no "import" for normal sound files, just OMFG files (which pretty much says it all!) and clicking on "new audio file" seems to create a new project... weird!!! I have played a few clips by double-clicking, and they seem to be a tiny fraction of a second long, leads me to believe that soundtrack pro does something other than what I need it to do.

Does anyone know where I can get simple, ready to go tracks? Or are the dozens and dozens of "caf" files included with ST pro actually usable somehow??

Re: Soundtrack Pro not what I need
February 25, 2009 06:39AM
Have you read the manual or watched any tutorials?
It really seems you're haven't gotten the basics given your comments and questions.

I don't know what a "normal" sound file is but SoundTrack Pro imports most common formats. You can even drag and drop. You don't have anything in your description that gives a clue what you're doing wrong though.

Do you know how to drag the sounds into the tracks? Seems not if you don't understand the caf files. They're just sound files. Drag 'em in and drag the ends to extend the loops (unless they're sound FX). There's even a few pre-composed tracks.

Watch the basic tutorial on Apple's site
SoundTrackPro Overview
Once you learn the very very very basic stuff then you can decide if you're prefer it or otherwise buy stock music or use SmartSound SonicFirePro.
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