Original Matrox MXO A/V unit, $100 OBO

Posted by John K 
Original Matrox MXO A/V unit, $100 OBO
July 14, 2014 06:44PM
I'm selling the original Matrox MXO video display device, in good condition with box and all cables.

This is not an MXO2 unit -- it has no inputs, only DVI and component/SDI out. What it does is take a DVI signal from your video card and convert it to an interlaced video signal for monitoring on an approved computer monitor. You can calibrate your monitor and have a fairly accurate HD image to grade with. I used this extensively on my Mac Pro with FCP7 and Apple Color before upgrading to an MXO2.

More info on this unit here: Matrox MXO site

Tested monitors: Link here

Contact me off-list at lefty1 at mac dot com
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