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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools? - 4 years agoIf you are cutting in Resolve you just highlight all the clips you want to conform and change the rate on them. No need to save metadata just export a Resolve project for them to cut with. I seems odd to me to have to re-save nowadays ala Cinema Tools or the other options. You can also conform to a rate in Premiere Pro too. FCPX is a little more awkward though. I understand why you might waby Ben King - Café LA Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools? - 4 years agoLet me know if Edit Ready does what QT Edit does which is basically just adjust the info to the QT file to playback at the new conformed FPS no additional saving of copies. You can batch conform in Resolve if that's what's bothering you?by Ben King - Café LA Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools? - 4 years agoHowever which NLE are you using? FCPX can conform to the Timeline rate and Premiere and Resolve can conform clips to whatever rate you desire in app.by Ben King - Café LA Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools? - 4 years agoQT Edit in the Digital Rebellion Pro Media Tools will conform to different frame rates... https://www.digitalrebellion.com/promedia/by Ben King - Café LA Re: Make image black and red only - 4 years agoDo you mean the key cut out matte? This technique would work albeit a bit more complex. Basically cut a hole in the layer above. Or mask out the layer above. Or make it in Motion.by Ben King - Café LA - X Re: Dead Mac: any converters from fcp 6 to premiere - 10 years agoAlso "Mac has died" how?by Ben King - Café LA Re: OT - Coincidence - 10 years agoAs Baz Lurhmann once put in a song: "All your choices are half chance, and so are everyone else's" Good timing and great chance combined - I love long lens shots with the heat haze and depth cue. I know it's just a clip but would have liked to hear some water and the sound of the ships, a seagull and perhaps a long guitar-playing hobo sat on a rock singing "dock of the bay"by Ben King - Café LA Re: Huge Problem Deadline - 10 years agoCertainly test it on another FCP system if you get chance to see if the problem is definitely footage. If you don't have access to another system but if you have time to send a clip (a clip that is small enough and not contentious or would break client confidentiality) then send via wetransfer or other FTP service then that would be great and I wouldn't mind taking a look at the clip to see ifby Ben King - Café LA Re: Huge Problem Deadline - 10 years agoIn case you don't know how to do a screenshot it's Command-Shift-3 Or if you want to do a portion of the screen then it's Command-Shift-4 and do a "rubber-band" lasso around the area you want to capture.by Ben King - Café LA Re: Huge Problem Deadline - 10 years agoHey Jonathan You should trust your reference monitor over what you see in FCP (or any NLE for that matter). Try an Export from your timeline and test it in Quicktime Player and see if the problem persists. Could you post a full resolution screenshot of the footage that's "grainy" and a comparison shot of the reference monitor?by Ben King - Café LA Re: 4K storage options? - 10 years agoIf you had a mirrored backup that automatically updates files as and when they change you could end up at the end of the day screwing up a perfect backup copy of a file with a newly corrupted one. And when I say manual - I mean more like Carbon Copy Cloner being set to run at the end of the work day rather than during everyone's work day with incremental backups and modified files being temporby Ben King - Café LA Re: 4K storage options? - 10 years agoYes getting two of those actually would make sense - exports and managing data at 1350MBps is a lot easier than firewire or USB3 speeds! I have two separate RAID 5/6 running somewhere between 600MBps and 1200MBps (depending how full) and transferring from one to the other you get very fast transfers. I'd go for two 64TB TB2s RAID 5 (56TB formatted) with a nightly backup of any new media andby Ben King - Café LA Re: 4K storage options? - 10 years agoDo bear in mind if you use it in RAID 5 (which you should) you effectively get 1x 8TBs worth of HDD less - so the formatted capacity would be 56TB with 1 drive redundancy. Also thats getting to the 90% full mark if you are going to go for 50TB! Although you could simply have a separate TB2 drive for renders etc. You should also budget for a complete backup too!by Ben King - Café LA Re: 4K storage options? - 10 years agoThe new G-Tech G-Speed Studio XL 64TB Thunderbolt 2 RAID shared via Thunderbolt (or 10GigE from TB) on one Mac acting as a basic file-server to the other 4.by Ben King - Café LA Re: HDD Dock for hiding drives - 10 years agoYes Vance's method would be better - using Onyx would mean the drives are completely hidden from the Finder.by Ben King - Café LA Re: HDD Dock for hiding drives - 10 years agoOnyx for Mac has an option for hiding drives: in its menu Utilities/Visibilityby Ben King - Café LA Re: FCP7 and After Effects Windows: best codec? - 10 years agoTo be honest I think looked better because you get DNxHD too and only $49.95 As far as crossover workflow I tend to do DPX or TIFF sequences for PC/Mac work. But I wouldn't do any Broadcast work on a Windows PC if I could help it. It's just a horrible OS.by Ben King - Café LA Re: FCP7 and After Effects Windows: best codec? - 10 years agoThere are a couple of options offering ProRes Codecs on Windows:by Ben King - Café LA Re: Transcoding xavc-s for FCP7? - 10 years agoHey Terry Have you tried Blackmagic Da Vinci Resolve? The Lite version is free and it handles XAVC-S MP4s so you can transcode to ProRes for you as per this article for XAVC: It's sluggish as hell using XAVC-S though but free. Adobe Media Encoder also works well but you will need to get an Adobe CC 2014 trial for free then if you want to continue using it you'll have to pay a subsby Ben King - Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion Re: ProApps Codecs 1.0.5 - 10 years agoJust checked the specs and says "OS X 10.6 or later" That's Snow Leopard. So actually you should be fine. I'd recommend doing an HDD backup to be safe though.by Ben King - Café LA Re: ProApps Codecs 1.0.5 - 10 years agoI must say I have heard of VERY old systems having issues but no direct confirmation from source. This might be linked with not being able to run Mavericks. Will update as I know more.by Ben King - Café LA Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoDennis Rather than keep complaining to me about my contextual use of "Block" for what appears to you to be "Stripe" in SOME cases. Please direct your energies to Apple and ask them to clarify. I actually really want to know now! Perhaps they have it very wrong and we should be highlighting it to them so they can rectify it in future. Or perhaps they have a legitimate reasonby Ben King - Café LA Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoActually I'd prefer to add in caveats to future posts depending on the subject at hand. So if dealing with an Apple RAID software user then dealing with the terminology in use so as not to confuse the issue. However in some cases your suggestion is more pertinent. In each case making clear that the terminology could be referring to another possibility. To simply dismiss Apples "creative"by Ben King - Café LA Re: hdmi playback - 10 years agoCheck your sound output settings in System Preferences are set to the HDMI also check that your monitor is set up to receive sound via HDMI.by Ben King - Café LA - X Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoOk here's one article that seems to suggest Stripe and Block are being used t describe the same thing: Quotehttp://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/RAID-SCALING-CHARTS,1735-4.html A stripe is the smallest chunk of data within a RAID array that can be addressed. People often also refer to this as granularity or block size. It can be compared to the blocks (logical block addressing - LBA) on convenby Ben King - Café LA Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoThere is some confusion as to what you refer to as blocks on a sector level and blocks in terms of blocks when RAID formatting and no NOT stripe size. Apple Disk Utility clearly calls them Blocks for RAID formatting AND you get a choice. QuoteThe disks in a RAID set store data in chunks know as storage blocks. In the RAID Options dialog, you can set the size of the storage bocks to optimiby Ben King - Café LA Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoLet me expand on this as the thread has already moved this way. Regarding the Block size and the performance of a RAID You should set the block size appropriately: • A large block size should be better for large sequential read/write e.g. video files. • A small block size should be better when using small file, small random read/write & metadata-intensive workflows. Here's aby Ben King - Café LA Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoDennis as usual you are getting it slightly wrong yet again. In a RAID array which I mention you CAN get to choose your block size. As for "choosing" sector size you are being annoyingly pedantic - you don't choose them after purchase they are preset - you get one and are stuck with it. Yes you can still choose to buy 512e and n sector disks but once you get one you can't change it. Butby Ben King - Café LA Re: Question about drives and transfer rates? - 10 years agoOk now before confusion sets in! Regarding SECTORS You don't have a "choice" between 512 bytes (traditional) and 4096 bytes (advanced format) This is physically set on the HDD platter. You don't get to choose this. "Beginning in late 2009, accelerating in 2010 and mainstream in 2011, hard drive companies migrated away from the legacy sector size of 512 bytes to a largeby Ben King - Café LA |