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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: 1920x1080 vs 1888x1062 - 10 years agoI know this is a few years after the fact, but Wow, Thanks! This issue has bugged me forever. Jim Blankenshipby coachjb2u - Café LA Re: XDCAM EX 1080i60 footage is jumpy - 13 years agoOn reading your post, you said, "When ever the camera does a slow pan or tilt the footage gets jumpy.", caught my attention. I'm usually a one man show at my company, so I shoot as well as edit almost all of our video. I'm not sure how "jumpy" your footage is, but there's an Optical Image Stabilizer (OIS) feature on many camcorders, and that feature almost made me crazy abouby coachjb2u - Café LA Re: Dropped Frames/Stuttering with HM100 footage - 13 years agoFEDFiLM, did you ever find an answer to your problem? I'm having the same issue and it's probably not hardware related. Although not the latest and greatest, I am running FCP 7.03 on an 8 core Xeon machine with 6 GB of RAM, with OSX 10.6.6 and have my media on an internal 4TB - RAID 5 setup (with 3.6 TB available). My RT is set at "Safe" (which I hate, because doing anything safely hby coachjb2u - Café LA |