Show all posts by userYour basic troubleshooting forum for all things FCP Legacy (FCP 7 and below.) And general discussion on topics that do not fit in the other forums.
Not registered? Click HERE to register now Motion 5 - 13 years agoIs Motion 5 a dumbed-down version like FCP X or is it better than Motion 4? I know it's 64 bit and all that but which version would you prefer to use for maximum creativity if you didn't have Adobe After Effects? Thanks for your input.by highs - Café LA Avid's special offer - 13 years agoAs most of you already know, Avid is offering Final Cut owners their MC 5.5 for $995 (offer expires this Friday). My question is...If I were to purchase it and install it on my Mac Book Pro, is that all I need to start editing or would I ALSO have to buy some Avid hardware like Adrenaline or Nitris? What is the purpose of this hardware?by highs - Café LA Re: Older project files - 13 years agoThanks. I sure hope they'll open in FCP X.by highs - Café LA Older project files - 13 years agoWill my FCP 5.0 project files open in FCP 7? Obviously I never upgraded to FCP 6 or 7 and my FCS 1.0 software won't work on my newer Intel Macbook Pro. Lately, all my editing has been with Adobe PP, Sony Vegas (and iMovie if you want to count that).by highs - Café LA |