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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Editing a documentary in FCPX 10.2.3 - 8 years agoThere are a number of approaches. You would replace the subclip range with a Keyword Range, where the keyword would generally be a 1-3 word summary of the story point. As you apply the ranges to different clips they'll build in the Keyword Collection for that story beat. If you're going the path of full transcripts, the Lumberjack System's Transcription Mode (with Magic Keyword extraction) woby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: FCP 7 to FCP X issues - 11 years agoI think you need to read the Help guide for 7toX as you're missing the point. The Sequences are converted to Compound Clips in a keyword collection called "Final Cut 7 Sequences". IOW you will not see anything in the Project window in FCP X as the manual makes clear. Philip Hodgetts Co-developer 7toXby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoI would expect that transferring media from project to project will be available. But from the screen shots (hi res apple supplied) it seems like the language may be changing. (WTH is an "event" and how does that relate to a "project".)by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoMore specifically AV Foundation for Final Cut Pro, my writing over the last year (or a limited selection)by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoAwesome news indeed about the database. (It hasn't been publicly announced but I have now been able to confirm it repeatedly.) Great news if, as expected, there's some form of SDK, but not great when your product line relies on XML Export. Fortunately Core Data is capable of exporting an XML representation of the database, but that may, or may not, be the way we interact in the new world.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoExactly Andrew. Apple makes these bold moves "too early" and yet, we adapt.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoTepid applause on your side of the room Walter, standing ovation on the other side. Don't rewrite the history of the event. there are too many people who were actually there and in the middle of the standing ovation (although personally sitting with laptop on lap) to be fooled by revisionist history.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoCapture scratch in FCP X isn't a fixed location. It *finally* is stored with the project now, instead of application preferences. I see issues with offline-online workflows, but my instinct tells me that FCP X wouldn't be my first choice for that type of workflow, despite the much stronger media management via the database.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoMuch better than "reel and timecode" would be to base media management entirely on a database. Oh, and while you're at it, base the whole application on a database so we never lose work, and never lose media connections. Oh, did I mention FCP X is built on a database for project and media management?by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoI don't do wild speculation. Sorry. Just a combination of very good data points and extrapolation. So far I think I'm batting about 75% accuracy on my predictions for FCP over the last year. I don't think anyone else is close to that. Maybe more wild speculation in the future.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoThere is no tape capture in Final Cut Pro X because there is no metadata coming from tape (other than the crude thing that is Timecode). Final Cut Pro X is based entirely on metadata, so tape had to be missed from being internal to Final Cut Pro X. You can still capture with Final Cut Pro 7 and go back to tape with that, or with the utilities supplied by Blackmagic or AJA. I predicted theby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoDon't bet on a configurable Final Cut Pro X. I know the source of those rumors and they're not accurate.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoAs I've been saying since August 2010, Final Cut Pro X is built on AV foundation, bundled into the App package.by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoThe OS X 10.6 version of QT X player is built on QTKit and QT X both. QT X on snow leopard is, for a very limited subset of functions, directly plays H.264/AAC using Core Audio and Core Video (Image) directly. All other playback falls through to QT Kit (the limited 64 bit QT functions) or eventually falls back to the C-API that makes up the majority of QT today. On 10.7 Lion I expect QT X plaby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA - X Re: Great media management tool from sequence clip reporter. - 14 years agoThanks for the mention. As the developerI just want to point out that there is a demo version you can download and try. Plus, of course, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Cheers Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Anybody used these? - 14 years agoThat sort of report is exactly what Sequence Clip Reporter does. YOu can report every clip in every track (video and audio) or any subset - a limited number of audio tracks, for example. It also reports Markers (and their contents), reports by reel, reports Filters, and we just added an additional report from Text Generators (FCP, not Boris). Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Importing an Excel FCP Log - 15 years agoor some character that FCP can't import. Look for $#@%^&* or other non-text non-number formats - and : are also not a good idea. Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Great online video, simple recipes - 15 years agoIntelligent Assistance releases rewritten ?Simple Encoding Recipes? Completely rewritten edition of low-cost book of encoding recipes for H.264, WMV or Flash using Compressor, Episode or Squeeze. Burbank, CA (July 9, 2009) ?Intelligent Assistance have completely rewritten the first in their Instant Expert series: "Simple Encoding Recipes for the Web". This 56 page printable pdfby Philip Hodgetts - News and Announcements Take creative load off editors with Assisted Editing - 16 years agoIntelligent Assistance, Inc have released the first real innovation in digital editing technology since Avid Media Composer 1, 19 years ago. Assisted Editing uses artificial creativity to create ultra fast first cuts for long form documentary editors, and to relieve the tedium of adding b-roll and titles for both documentaries and simple video projects. It's a completely new class of softwareby Philip Hodgetts - News and Announcements Re: dvcpro hd 1080 to high quality avi - 16 years agoThe first thing I'd try would be to send them native DVCPRO HD. Final Cut Pro and Avid both deal with this format (in different ways) and likely the post house will have one or the other to then format it an AVI. But frankly, I'd be distressed at the request. AVI has been officially obsolete since 1996, when Microsoft knifed it. There are much better alternatives and AVI workflow between Mac aby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Gamma correction stll required for PCs? - 16 years agoYes, still required. Do the adjustment in the encoding tool. It's a bit out of date but still has the principles in it. Some codec (H.264) are auto-adjusting when played out of QT Player (and probably iTunes) but not necessarily with other players and not for all codecs. Definitely not for WMV. Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Blackmagic Design's new Intensity HDMI Editing card... - 18 years agoAFAIK, no deck control, but i think it includes audio... I'm learning too. Waiting for the PPC drivers for the Intensity card, so I can test. Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA SnapZ Pro - 18 years agoAndy Field: To get movies from Snapz pro to work well in FCP: Export from Snapz Pro to an all-I-fram codec like PhotoJPEG - anything over 75% quality will be fine at a frame rate you want to use (ie 29.97 or 30 or whatever) Open the file in Cinema Tools, after dismissing the "open database" dialog when it runs. Conform the file to the frame rate you exported to. Now it wilby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Blackmagic Design's new Intensity HDMI Editing card... - 18 years agoNo decks yet, but the new Sony HVR-V1U has one. Put two of htem with two Intensity cards, and Blackmagic's On Air software and instant HD Studio (two camera). Couple of other 1 CCD HDV camcorders have them and some of the AVCHD camcorders have them too. Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Blackmagic Design's new Intensity HDMI Editing card... - 18 years agoThe PPC support is coming. Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Oh dear - Specific "Titles How-To's" needed ASAP- just read P. Hodgett's article... - 18 years ago1) The DV codec will cause some additional complications but most of the interlace-related stuff and the color stuff applies to all video in SD or all interlaced video. 2) Horizontal lines in the characters - like the serif lines on at the bottom a capital I or T, for example. And of course, if you did an underline. 3) I wish it were a simple formula. send me an email at phi&by Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: Importing mov files into FCP - 18 years agoDid you install the Camtasia (Techsmith) Ensharpen codec on this computer? It's not part of the standard QT install so you (or someone) probably installed it on the other macs and it's been forgotten. Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: On2 Flix has no pre-sales support - 18 years agoJeff, in the company area, under the feedback heading is a contact form that you can use without being a registered owner. Did you find that and try a question there? If you change the pop-up menu from Flix to Sales you don't have to be a registered owner to ask a question of the sales people. HTH Philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: HDV in DV Anamorphic... - 18 years agoFinal Cut should have added a reverse field order filter when you dropped it in the sequence, see if it did or not and if not, add it. If that doesn't fix it, try dropping a deinterlace filter onto the clip. It's more than double the vertical resolution of the standard definition and will eliminate field order problems. Cheers philipby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA Re: PAL film problems....25 to 24 conform - 18 years agoNot sure why you're doing the workflow that way because basically there's no way to monitor 24 fps material on a video monitor! What you're seeing is Final Cut Pro trying to keep your 24fps footage in sync with your 25fps television system/monitor. I'd expect a frame duplication every second to keep in sync since there is no provision for 24 on 25 in the PAL system. (In NTSC 24 fps materialby Philip Hodgetts - Café LA |