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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Operation not Allowed -- WTF?! - 16 years agoI am on a MacPro Quad 2.66 with 5 GB RAM running 10.4.11 and this just happened to me on a project. I have over 400GB free on the internal storage drive I am using. I was working along just fine and was putting a dip to color transition between a .psd (RGB) I was using as a background for a text screen and a SD video clip. Then I got the same red image on the canvas. I also got the exact samby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: OT: FastChannel Distribution - Where does the ISCIS # come from? - 16 years agoThanks Craig! Man I love this website!by Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: OT: FastChannel Distribution - Where does the ISCIS # come from? - 16 years agoLet me start by saying that I am not an Ad Agency. I am a small potatoes one man "production company" in Idaho that makes extreme sports movies. I am probably out of my league with this but... I have just completed a 30 second spot for a client that will air on the Speed Channel. It needs to have and ISCI #. I did some googling and found that supposedly the American Association oby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: Can you open this clip in FCS? - 17 years agoThanks Travis I am going to try it right away! Will report back. Joshby Josh Skinner - Café LA Can you open this clip in FCS? - 17 years agoI am having a very hard time with some footage that was ftp'ed to me from a friend in Sweden. I get PAL footage from my Swedish friends all the time and can always work with it just fine in a PAL FCP project. This however is HDV and I can't for the life of me open it with FCS or find a downconversion in Compressor 2 that will let me work with it. I haven't had any luck with Nattress Standardsby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: FBI warning and/or anti piracy clip - 18 years agothanks Travis and derek. I have decided to just do as always and make my own warnings and disclaimers from scratch. Maybe if i get time between projects i can try to make a clip of my own that is a little flashier than text on a screen.by Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: FBI warning and/or anti piracy clip - 18 years agoThanks for the reply Derek. I should have been more clear in my post. instead of saying "little guys" I should have typed or was it created by a not-for profit organization against piracy or something. Or does anyone know if it is available as a royalty free one time buyout clip.by Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: creating a border - 18 years agocan you just open the clip in the viewer and click the "motion" tab, the scroll down to "crop" and crop the left of the photo?by Josh Skinner - Café LA FBI warning and/or anti piracy clip - 18 years agoHi everyone. I work in a small "extreme" motorsports made for DVD market and have a question you bigger fish can answer I think. I am interested in having the FBI seal and copyright text at the beginning of my DVD's from now on. Is this even possible since I am not a member of any motion picture associations or anything? I googled it and it appears that way. Hopefully someone canby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: flickering, jumpy clips - 18 years agohave you tryied moving your prefs to the trash, starting FCP and re-opening your project? When you start FCP up again you will have to go through the quick set up process etc. This fixes playback problems for me when I have them. Don't empty your trash until you have the project open in FCP again and everything is going smooth.by Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: Question on RAM for Compressor - 18 years agoYes I hope to be able to return the favor by helping some one else sometime. Thank you guys for your help. I just did a bunch of different trials in the time line with G Convertor, Compressor, and Atlantis DV. Atlantis DV was quite disapointing. I am suprised I used it so much in the past and was ok with the results. G Convertor was very fast and simple to use. It took 3 minutes to convertby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: Question on RAM for Compressor - 18 years agoI just bought G Convertor. I will try it out and post again. Also and embarassing side note... I have been around this computer since it was new. I worked for a extreme sports film company and then a couple years ago bought the company and the computers and cameras came with it. I made our first 3 movies with the stock 256 MB RAM and then bought another 512 stick after that. Since then I haby Josh Skinner - Café LA Question on RAM for Compressor - 18 years agoI am sorry to ask such a elementary question but need the answer anyway. I have a large amount of PAL footage I want to transfer to NTSC via Compressor but it is taking so long it will cause me to miss the projects deadline. I have a very small amount of RAM at only 768 MB. Will maxing out at the 2 Gigs RAM make Compressor transcode these files faster? I am saving for a Quad core so I don't wanby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: Upgrade from FCP 3? - 18 years agoah, thanks for your input Shane. I have been lurking and searching on this forum for over a year and have never had to post a question. You are a knowlegeable group and I appreciate it. Thanksby Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: PAL to NTSC conversion - 18 years agois that why i get jerky slow motion with footage I have converted to NTSC?by Josh Skinner - Café LA Re: Upgrade from FCP 3? - 18 years agoI don't know if it is legal either. I bought this little motorsports film company and it came with cameras, computers, inventory etc. I will try to get in touch with the guy I bought it from and see if he has the disks or screwed me on this or what. Thanks. Also I take it you are saying that these other disk's from the church guy are not the full version I need since they say crossgrade on tby Josh Skinner - Café LA Upgrade from FCP 3? - 18 years agoAfter spending an hour searching this forum and apples forum I can't find the answer I am looking for. I hope you all can shed some light for me... I am running FCP 3 on a used G4 I received as part of the deal when I bought a small production company. I do not have the original disks for FCP 3 but I do have the serial number. I want to upgrade to FCS 5.1 (plan to buy a intel based mac in theby Josh Skinner - Café LA |