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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Red One Editing Workflow - 16 years agoSarah - Under the "anything else I should think of" department: In moving to HD 1080 (and presumably to Red as well), one thing that seemed to make my system a happier camper all around was to have a separate drive (eSATA in my case - but I assume FW 800 would work as well) dedicated to just render files. I have no metrics on that suggestion- just a subjective impression of smby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Newbie with a dropped frame capture problem - 16 years agoCheck out this: Hope that helps Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Which is better- HDV transcode or re-capture? - 16 years agoI have much the same question regarding quality - but think I'm going to go the transcode route on my current project (we are mixing ProRes 1080 SQ and some client supplied HDV). There's not a lot of the HDV and it's a short project. The giggle was trying to convince the client that redoing graphics from our last project with them (SD NTSC) from 2004 was going to be necessary. That frame sby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Effects not taking effect - 16 years agoLets see if it's your project or your fcp system. Create a new project with a handy piece of media from another project in it. Try an effect on that. IF that works, then try a single piece of media from your current problem child project. If that works, it certainly tells you something about the problem project.by Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Dropped Frames on 6.0.4? - 16 years agoDid you tell us if this is an internal or external drive? Obviously - if external, we'd recommend you try internal.by Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Hi 8 mm input? - 16 years agoOne minor amplification on Andy's post - (I wave a tentacle at Andy): If you go with a converter or DV camera to do the conversion , use SVHS (if possible) for the video.by Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Rates... - 16 years agoYou sort of answer your question. Charge them 300K. Yes there's room for negotiation - but at least they'll know you're serious. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: odd render behaviour on timeline in FCP 4.5 HD - 17 years agoHave you tried trashing prefferences and doing this render mess in a new project? Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Cleanest Font for Credit Roll ? - 17 years agoAny of the bolder san-serif fonts would be my choice. Optima is a little "fancier" than Arial or Helvetica - but there are a zillion more. Also - as you know - slower is otfen better (as in smoother looking). Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: FCP Chapter Markers into DVDSP or iDVD - 17 years agoWhen you export from FCP you chose the FCP export to QT movie option. there are several drom down choices at the bottom. Make sure you have the "markers" drop down set to include the ones you wish to use. Hope this helps Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA OT: Speak up now - 19 years agoThe recent congressional moves to cut funding for PBS prompt me to urge everyone to get involved and speak out in your community. I have strong feelings on this subject - but my intent here is NOT to push a view. It is instead to remind us all of our special responsibility as media professionals. I further submit - it's only good BUSINESS - and well worth the time at that. I count on my Doby Ian Graham - News and Announcements Re: OT: Take a sneak peak at lafcpug's new forums - 18 years agoSorry for the delay - traveling all day. I meant go for gray Mike Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: OT: Take a sneak peak at lafcpug's new forums - 18 years agoWith the blue and light blue message containers- gray - please please please. And don't be affraid to try it a shade darker. RE the float preformance thing - I'm not all that invested in it - you are in a far better position to judge relative benefits. I assume the only reason we're even toying with the subject is that workload on you is identical. If there's an even barely noticable diffeby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: OT: Take a sneak peak at lafcpug's new forums - 18 years agoOh drat - you might need to get into the PHP or the CSS. For me it's showing n the lower right, and the message reads "私をかみなさい" Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: What do you do for a MiniDV deck when you don't have $3,000 for a deck? Used - 18 years agoA DSR-30 in good shape - They are old enough to be cheaper n mud and runs like a champ. They also are big enough so mortals with inconvinient things like actual hands with fingers can actualy service the darn things. Not the fastest - but wears like the pre-cool days Levis. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: color shift in FCP on 720 30p footage.. - 18 years ago"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" only go by what you external monitor is doing. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: firewire deck [missing] after OSX upgrade - 18 years agoBut not if you went from QT 6.x to 7.x That's new licence time. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Color Correction 20 years ago? - 18 years agoHow was it done? By staff that has been replaced since the death of the big houses. The tape op would set SC and H phase for each machine , then on each roll of quad tape would adjust the heads to minimize banding and the TDC and proc amp to optimize each shot. Any camera stuff had a vieo engineer doing shading and matching the gama's and such on each camera. Since the editors usualy hby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: cheap mic filter ? - 18 years ago"what can I do to fix it? " You can't. But Sound Soap will help bring it back from unusable to just extreamly bothersome. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA re: HDV motion artifacts -- do solutions exist? - 18 years ago"The exported format I'm using is DV NTSC, a lower-field-dominant format, but when I export from the timeline, I should use the field dominance setting of the timeline, which is HDV, upper?" Sorry - I wasn't clear enough - No. For export you should let the field dominance follow the export format. For DV out let the DV export go to the prefered format for DV (Lower). If you do an Hby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: racking 60fr a sec footage - 18 years agoWell - yes and yes. FCP allows sped ramping and keyframing in the motion tab. HOWEVER - Speed ramping has always introduced problems down the line in FCP. I'm not on 5.1 yet - so can't speak to that version with authority - but I doudt it's been magicaly fixed. If you've got Red or Blue or AE or Shake or. . . . that would be my tool of choice for this effect. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA re: HDV motion artifacts -- do solutions exist? - 18 years agoIt should follow the format. Otherwise you WILL introduce intra-frame temporal problems. And not to nitpick - but filmman uses non standard terminology. Lower field is odd or field one. This is because the fields are counted by the first FULL line of video as field one. Field 2 actualy displays a 1/2 line on top of the field one line - but it is hitting the even numbered lines. (See ) Deby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Capture now or Batch Capture - 18 years agoAnd - your timeline will respond more quickly - and sooner or later - you are going to have to view and log all the footage ANYWAY. As Derek mentions - you don't have to do it in tiny little chunks. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: OK, Now Re-Interlace It. - 18 years agoAlso Boris Red or Blue. Several others. Usually used for Slow mo - but the important part here is it is doing a temporal analysis of pixel clouds and so will give you true interlace even without the playback speed being altered. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: OK, Now Re-Interlace It. - 18 years agoGood question. Assuming 3-2 pull down type of thig is not what you want. - just rendering out to a DV codec won't do it - you'll get interlaced - but no motion between fields. I'd try it by using anything Optical Flow - just not slow motioning it looking both forward and back temporaly. It might work - It might be horrible. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: artifacting & hits - 18 years agoHFS+= The file system your disks should be initialized with. An external firewire should NOT be journaled. See your options in Disk Utility for getting there. Trash preferences: Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: artifacting & hits - 18 years agoAll DV is lower field. Leave that alone. "even after I render" ??? If you are seeing it BEFORE you render - it's on the tape or was introduced durring capture. Go back to original source and check. If you still see it on the tape - you are stuck. If it was a bad capture - try a different deck and recap. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Oh no... not my LaCie drive! - 18 years agoAnd editing a major project without battery backup UPS is hanging a big sign out for murphy to kick you. A brown or a blackout, or big inductive load spikes form your neighbors AC WILL eat you. It is not an if . . . just a when. You don't necicarily need hours worth - just enough to shut down calmly when the UPS alarm starts screaming at you. Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: lost alpha channel - 18 years agoYour timeline is in what codec? DV does not have an alpha channel. You need to export in a format that does. Animation at millions plus color depth. Or - stay in DV and also export a lumma matte pass Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Avoiding FireWire Bus Contention - 18 years ago"people who use their older Powerbooks for DV editing should avoid FireWire bus contention by using a FireWire card in the card bus slot. " Sometimes - Actually the older PB's play very nicely with daisy chaining - most times. "will virtually any FireWire card do?" Yes- but you get what you pay for. - better cards give better throughput. See Barefeats.by Ian Graham - Café LA |