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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Red One Editing Workflow - 16 years agoSarah - Under the "anything else I should think of" department: In moving to HD 1080 (and presumably to Red as well), one thing that seemed to make my system a happier camper all around was to have a separate drive (eSATA in my case - but I assume FW 800 would work as well) dedicated to just render files. I have no metrics on that suggestion- just a subjective impression of smby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Newbie with a dropped frame capture problem - 16 years agoCheck out this: Hope that helps Ianby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Which is better- HDV transcode or re-capture? - 16 years agoI have much the same question regarding quality - but think I'm going to go the transcode route on my current project (we are mixing ProRes 1080 SQ and some client supplied HDV). There's not a lot of the HDV and it's a short project. The giggle was trying to convince the client that redoing graphics from our last project with them (SD NTSC) from 2004 was going to be necessary. That frame sby Ian Graham - Café LA Re: Effects not taking effect