Show all posts by userYour basic troubleshooting forum for all things FCP Legacy (FCP 7 and below.) And general discussion on topics that do not fit in the other forums.
Not registered? Click HERE to register now FCP Settings - 12 years agoIn the FCP Viewer window, I cannot get the clip to display. I double click on the Browser to load the clip into the Viewer and it does not display. There is just a white space where the clip should be. I can click and hold on the white space and see a mini-image of the clip but it disappears when I un-click. The clip appears in the timeline, it appears in the canvas, but it does not appear inby Sheryl - Café LA Printer manual brings up DVD Studio Pro - 12 years agoI'm using a MacBookPro and also have a Canon MP960 printer/copier. I wanted a user's manual for the printer so I downloaded one from canoncanada.custhelp.com. There is an English folder that I double-clicked on, then I clicked on an mpkg folder which brought up an On-screen Manual Installer. I clicked Continue and Install with my HD as a destination, then Install. There is now an MP960 On-by Sheryl - DVD Studio Pro Can't output FCP commercial onto HD camera - 15 years agoWe are in FCP Studio 6.5. We are trying to put time sensitive commercials to 1080i. The Sony camera that we are trying to record do is model HVR-V1U. The camera says it's recording but it's not. The time code on the camera is rolling, the record button is red, the viewer is blue screen. The camera will not grab the tape and record. Can anyone help with correct settings or suggestions? Thby Sheryl - Café LA Saving to external hard drive - 15 years agoSince my FCP Pro project is on an external drive, is there an option in Color to save color corrections on the external drive: going through all the User Preferences Tab options listed under Setup tab, as in the manual, has led us to a dead end. They do not list an option for an external drive. Thanks from Sherylby Sheryl - Color Re: Color workflow issues - 15 years agoThanks for pointing out that there is a Color forum. Sorry to post here. Sherylby Sheryl - Color Color workflow issues - 15 years agoI'm trying to work out the finer points of FCP Color. I sent my project files from FCP to Color and my editing choices in Color somehow overwrote my editing choices in FCP. I want to be able to see what's happening in Color and compare it to my previous Color editing in FCP. I made two timelines in FCP with identical source materials and I only sent one timeline over to Color. How do I kby Sheryl - Color Converting QT to Flash video - 15 years agoWith the final goal of posting my FCP Quicktime on the internet, for a couple of years I've been going through the very same process. I drag the QT into Adobe Flash encoder. I click settings, then crop and resize, then resize video. I uncheck "Maintain Aspect Ratio." I type in the preferred display size, in this case 427 pixels wide x 240 pixels high. Everything else is left at theby Sheryl - Café LA Color tutorials - 15 years agoI'm looking around for a good tutorial for FC Studio 2 - Color. There is a short Ripley Training tutorial on the lafcp Tutorial page and they have a more comprehensive Color tutorial for sale. Any recommendations? Is Ripley the way to go? Any free tutorials? Thanks from Sherylby Sheryl - Color Re: Color correction - shadow reduction - 15 years agoThanks a lot. Overwhelmed at the moment. Will try this and get back. Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA Color correction - shadow reduction - 15 years agoI recently shot footage for an instructional DVD. It was lit by someone who lights for stage lighting. The shadows on the face and the general skin tone ages the female subject. Since the subject is dancing, it is a vanity issue. What filters can I use to minimize very poor lighting, shadows, contrast, etc? I had to saturate the color - how do I do this and at the same time minimize the coby Sheryl - Café LA Re: Camcorder video tutorial - 15 years agoThanks, you're right but I couldn't find a good forum. Sby Sheryl - Café LA Camcorder video tutorial - 15 years agoDoes anyone know of a good video tutorial I could use for a Sony HVR-V1U, especially one that focuses on the technical aspect of good picture quality? Thanks from Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA Re: Compact flash question - 15 years agoSorry yes, it is a Quicktime file which is then converted into an Adobe Flash video which is the internet standard for displaying video in public web portals such as youtube as well as private websites. Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA Compact flash question - 15 years agoI have Quicken files converted into Adobe Flash. Can the files be put on a compact flash card and, if so, will they play on a compact flash player? I want to make a continuous loop of my video clips. Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA Flash encoding - 17 years agoWe have a T-1 server on the backbone; we are trying to find a way to encode our work samples so as to suit both DSL and Broadband viewers; The tech before me he was able to encode so that both DSL and Broadband could view the Flash without compromised viewing; unfortunately we have not been able to decipher how he did it; (we have the Flash from CS3 ) Do any of you have ideas on how weby Sheryl - Café LA External storage problems - 17 years agoAnybody out there have any idea of why an external hard drive that I've emptied still insists it has no room. I had a tech take a 250G HD out of a G5 because I needed to put bigger drives in the G5. He took the 250 and turned it into an external firewire for me. I've been working in the field using the drive off of my Mac Powerbook. It worked just fine. When I got back to the studio, I empby Sheryl - Café LA Re: Archive footage - 17 years agoThanks for your help. Firstly, I'm trying to clean up the mess left by two people before me and I'm endeavoring to do this with limited knowledge. The QT clips are in an "ARCHIVE FOLDER" on an external drive. Clearly they are just referencing the data which is elsewhere. There is little or no size given to the folder. My idea was to use Media Manager to get the data and transferby Sheryl - Café LA Re: Archive footage - 17 years agoThank you very much for your help: I doesn't seem that dragging a QT clip, that is to say, something that's been output to Quicktime, can be put in the Browser and be expected to serve as raw footage. To be more specific, the question is this: Is that QT clip the raw footage or just what was put out to the Quicktime? I need to find in my system in all the many folders and files that FCP sby Sheryl - Café LA Archive footage - 17 years agoI am in unfamiliar territory and I need to utilize logged archived footage: This archiving was done a few years ago when I was learning FCP. The footage I want to use in a current project is in small Quicktime clips. I don't know if the footage has been captured on an external Lacie drive or if these QT clips are referrencing the captured footage stored on internal drives. My question is thby Sheryl - Café LA Where to buy music clips - 17 years agoIs there a central business where we can purchase music clips? So far we are having to contact each holder of publisher and performer rights for every piece of music we want to use. Is there any shortcut for obtaining music rights? Thanks from Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA Motion Tab usage? - 17 years agoI have a video clip of a picture of a man. I need to start out showing the whole picture and zoom in to his eyes which are not in the center of the picture. The tutorial I've been using is called "Motion Tab - Center and Scale for Pan and Scan". Is this the right tutorial to be using for this procedure? I've been using Center and Scale controls. When using 'wireframe + image' in theby Sheryl - Café LA Re: Motion Tab usage? - 17 years agoI think I've posted this question to the wrong forum. I'm going to put it on Cafe LA. Sorry. Sherylby Sheryl - Motion Motion Tab usage? - 17 years agoI have a video clip of a picture of a man. I need to start out showing the whole picture and zoom in to his eyes which are not in the center of the picture. The tutorial I've been using is called "Motion Tab - Center and Scale for Pan and Scan". Is this the right tutorial to be using for this procedure? I've been using Center and Scale controls. When using 'wireframe + image' inby Sheryl - Motion Re: FCP Certification - 18 years agoThanks very much for the information. It gives me something to contemplate Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA FCP Certification - 18 years agoI'd like to know what is the best way to get some kind of certification to teach FCP. I'm working for a small film studio and one of us is really good at FCP. She would like to teach it at a college or film school or other venue. She's taught college classes before but not FCP. I know that Apple has a certification program that is expensive. Can those classes be challenged for credit withoutby Sheryl - Café LA Watermarking - 18 years agoI need to know how to watermark bits of streaming footage made using FCP. Is this a facility of FCP? If you know of a tutorial, I would appreciate knowing where to get that. Sherylby Sheryl - Café LA |