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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: sudden loss of audible playback - 13 years agoWell, this is odd: when I checked the settings, audio output had somehow switched to fire wire DV, not default! Could this be because a fire wire was in port at the time of the preference trashing? Anyway, I reset to default -- correct for speaker output -- and presto. Talkies again. THANK YOU!by davko - Café LA sudden loss of audible playback - 13 years agoI just trashed my preferences, and now can't hear anything in FCP. Audio meters show a healthy signal, but nothing's coming out of the speakers. Mute functions are off and my computer is working fine, and I emptied the trash. I'm stumped.by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoNot to complicate things, but wouldn't the continuous empty generator layer Nick suggests eliminate such a problem, since the filter is being applied to it, and not the nested sequence?by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoWould like to use this method, too, but having trouble producing a text generator clip longer than 2 minutes. Is there a setting for this?by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoAs it's not a "film" project but video documentation of an event, it was understood by all to go for the interlaced video look, and each camera was shooting in 29.97 fps.by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoThanks for taking the time for providing some excellent resolution to an unfamilar problem. This was a 3-camera shoot intended for a final deliverable on DVD. The producer just went on the assumption that because this was not an HD project, it was perfectly okay to mix and match formats with the equipment he had (why he didn't just change camera setting to DV is another issue. Not a good start,by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoJust realized maybe I should have been using a different codec when ingesting... If so, which one is recommended?by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoWell, given that it took over 8 hours to render the time line, I'd better nest. Which brings up another question re the topic of long renders: is there anyway to down-convert BPAV files taken off an HD CAM SxS card to SD before I start cutting them into my project? Right now, I'm mixing DV and high-def clips into a two-hour time line, and the light green bar that has appeared above the former hby davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoI'd like to try this. Does the continuous layer atop the time line take the place of having to nest my entire sequence?by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoThat we be fantastic, and thanks for the offer. What a huge asset this would be for future projects, because this one's been a nightmare, given the render time. This morning, I was greeted by a "General Error" message after hoping the whole thing would have finished up overnight. No such luck. Had to cancel and pick up where I left off: about halfway through. @ Nick - Rendering tby davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoI knew there had to be some sort of strange redundancy at work here. Just amazed that TC burn-ins work like a filter in FCP -- so not the case in AMC! Thanks so much for an elegant solution.by davko - Café LA Re: suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoI'm very glad you mentioned this, because there's a lot of faint green in my original sequence -- in fact, every one of my tape-captured clips (I've mixed log-and-captured SD with log-and transferred HD footage; hope that's okay). Should I go back and render the original sequence before nesting and window-burning? Or will what's rendering now take care of it? I'm in favor of whichever methoby davko - Café LA suspiciously long render time - 13 years agoI just rendered a two-hour sequence that included some color correction and gamma filtering, and in only took a few minutes. But when I nested it in order to add a window burn, the render came up 5 hours. What's worse, after canceling and saving at 4% into the render, when I resumed, the estimated time jumped to 11 hours! I'm wondering what caused this, and if there's something I can do to sby davko - Café LA Re: can't bring spanned media into browser - 13 years agoUpdate: I managed to get back into the project, but can barely get anything to function. Attempting to do anything in the time line brings up a spinning ball, and I'm unable to ingest that missing piece of footage -- all of 16 seconds. When I try adding it to the queue, it starts to transfer, then just goes idle.by davko - Café LA Re: can't bring spanned media into browser - 13 years agoYes, I tried it this way too, and it didn't work. So next I went to the adjacent preview area, chose a random in-point after where the last one left off, and captured this segment. It worked, but when I brought both pieces into my time line (yet to be bridged by the third missing segment), FCP froze. And I mean really froze. Even after shutting down my computer, I was returned instantly to tby davko - Café LA can't bring spanned media into browser - 13 years agoI've got a 19-minute clip listed as "spanned" in my Log & Transfer window, and it plays fine in the adjacent preview area. But when I drag it into the queue below, only a small portion of the clip gets captured and put into the browser. How do I get the rest of it?by davko - Café LA Re: trouble importing Sony XDCAM files - 13 years agoI was unable to get the drivers off Sony's website, despite trying on multiple computers with 2 browsers (any idea why?). Anyway, I took them off someone else's computer and solved my problem. Now I've got a new one -- see top!by davko - Café LA trouble importing Sony XDCAM files - 13 years agoI've already loaded the plug-in for FCP Version 6.03 or later onto my OSX 10.5.8. Mac, but am still having difficulties loading the BPAV files stored on a portable drive using log and transfer. I get a message that says "unsupportable media," etc., etc. What am I missing here? Thanks.by davko - Café LA motion artifacts in viewer - 13 years agoBut not in the canvas. This just started happening, and without change of settings or project. Source clips with motion are now all showing a "tearing" effect when played.by davko - Café LA Re: can't export sequence as edited - 14 years agoProblem solved! Thanks to all you guys for your help.by davko - Café LA Re: can't export sequence as edited - 14 years agoRight. I'm using DV NTSC and Apple Pro 422 for my QT compressor.by davko - Café LA Re: can't export sequence as edited - 14 years agoI've elected to output straight to tape from the time line, as the first respondent suggested. A good idea, but I can't seem to get a plain signal off the time line as it's playing. I've tried going to a tape deck and to my DVD recorder -- nether is picking up a signal. And if I choose "Print to Video," it again renders the sequence! I've checked my settings; they seem right (fireby davko - Café LA can't export sequence as edited - 14 years agoI've just completed my cut, and because I had to use a number of clips from a defective tape (bad time codes, broken images, etc.), FCP is referencing those clips to totally different media after they are rendered. Therefore, I cannot export my sequence to QT, since it's automatically rendered. Is there any way to salvage my cut so that "what I see is what I'll get?" Or am I doby davko - Café LA Re: bizarre problem using Optical Flow - 14 years agoMany thanks. Is this a workaround or standard protocol? In other words, have I been doing it wrong, or are there flaws with the program?by davko - Café LA bizarre problem using Optical Flow - 14 years agoI'm attempting to use this tool to alter a clip 26 seconds in length to 20% of normal speed. My first problem appears to be an inability to get an accurate read on the clip's length. Upon selecting it, then sending it to a Motion Project and choosing Optical Flow, I notice the number of frames being analyzed in the Inspector is astronomical: about 46,000 (with an estimated processing time of wby davko - Café LA Re: bad edges with title tool - 14 years agoLess saturated it is, from now on. Already, the difference is appreciable. Never realized how hard and fast these basic guidelines are (and always have been), despite other dazzling advances in graphic design that go unaffected by them.by davko - Café LA Re: bad edges with title tool - 14 years agoI can certainly live without red, it just seems pointless that there are all these plug-ins and after-market software out there constantly extolling new and different ways of doing things... when in reality, just changing a simple color in your text can be hazardous.by davko - Café LA Re: bad edges with title tool - 14 years agoJust out of curiosity, what are people using when colored titles are absolutely integral to a project? Seems I see them all the time. Also, would any sort of b.g. -- translucent or otherwise -- take the curse off these letters?by davko - Café LA Re: bad edges with title tool - 14 years agoI see. Anything else I can do to treat the individual clips? I just switched to Apple ProRes 422 NTSC and there's no appreciable difference.by davko - Café LA Re: bad edges with title tool - 14 years agoRight. Actually, I spoke to soon. Upon rendering, more of the same. This after what seemed a marked improvement upon applying the effect.by davko - Café LA |