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Not registered? Click HERE to register now list of Basic Motion Effects - 15 years agoDoes anybody know of away to generate a list of basic motion effects such as image resizing and repostioning, in order to give to an online editor?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA conforming audio - 15 years agoI have an issue with a project I'm currently working on that I hope there's an answer to. I have a movie edited together with clips using a scratch track for production audio, but the audio that I want to be in the final version of the movie exists on separate WAV files with different timecode. I have already gone and synced up the dalies for my movie with the good audio from the WAV files, creby mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA Final Cut Pro frequent crashing - 15 years agoHi, I'm currently working on a Final Cut Pro v. 7 feature length project, and I am experiencing seemingly unmotivated crashes on a regular basis (at least once a day). My system is a 2.6 quad core with 3 GB of RAM, and I am storing my media on a Firewire 800 RAID device. The project file is large, about 150 MB, but I don't think it's unreasonably large. Does anybody have any general words oby mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA Re: problem with trimming - 15 years agoYes, that's the interface I'm having trouble with. It starts out on the right edit in the display, then when I hit "<" for instance, it will take the display edit much further back into the sequence, although it still makes the right edit of one frame where I want it to.by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA problem with trimming - 15 years agoHello, I am having difficulty making edits in trim mode while using the Edit Selection Tool to select multiple tracks in the timeline. I've been starting out by lassoing my edits which are usually one picture track, one or two dialogue tracks, and a stereo paired music track. I then hit the single side trim function in the record window above the time line and prepare to trim one frame at aby mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA Organizing dalies audio - 15 years agoI am currently organizing dalies on a movie, and I would like to know if there is a solution to the problem of too many audio tracks. For instance, I have dalies with 3 audio tracks, all of which have sound that I need, but I only want to work with one track for editing. Is there a way to change the clip in order to store all of the audio on one track?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA camera push/pull effect - 15 years agoIs there a way, other than key framing size adjustment, to create a push or pull into a shot in FCP.by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA Batch List Exporting and Timecode - 16 years agoI am currently trying to export a batch list containing several clips with the clips Name and Duration columns, and I would like to have the Duration show frames rather than timecode. I can get the Duration to show frames in the Final Cut Pro project bin, however, when I export the bin as a batch list and open it with Microsoft Excel, the Duration column is displays timecode, and not frames. Caby mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA markers in a sequence - 16 years agoif I have a sequence built in FCP with several markers in the timeline, is there a way to build a list of those markers with their names and descriptions?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA widescreen matte in DVD Studio Pro? - 17 years agoI'm doing a series of exports of long sequences from FCP which I want to have a widescreen matte and text burn-in. Is there a way to add both of these things using the DVDSP subtitle function, in order to avoid long export times in FCP?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - DVD Studio Pro widescreen matte in DVD Studio Pro? - 17 years agoI'm doing a series of exports of long sequences from FCP which I want to have a widescreen matte and text burn-in. Is there a way to add both of these things using the DVDSP subtitle function, in order to avoid long export times in FCP?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA Re: video playback during capture - 17 years agoYes, it captures just fine. Also, for the record, I'm capturing HD using the BlackMagic 1080 p 23.97 DVCPRO HD setting.by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA video playback during capture - 17 years agoThis may seem like a really basic question, but I'm stumpted. I am currently capturing footage on an FCP 5.1.4 system with no playback monitor. When I capture footage, I just get a black window on my screen. Does anybody know how to get the capture to play on my computer screen so I can watch my material as I'm capturing?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA audio tracks when capturing HD video - 17 years agoI am currently working on an HD project, capturing footage from tape using the BlackMagic 1080p 23.98 setting on Final Cut Pro 5.1.4. When I capture a clip, Final Cut gives it to me the way I want it, with one video and two audio tracks. However, when I unlink the media then relink it back to the clip, I get a clip with 12 audio tracks. Is there a way to move my clips and keep the original audby mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA importing sound from an audio CD - 17 years agoI am currently importing a large amount of music into my project from audio CDs, which comes into Final Cut much louder than I want. Is there a shortcut to adjust the volume of several clips to the same level, say -25, without having to do each one by hand?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA Re: working with sound timecode - 17 years agoThat's interesting about using the AUX timecode. If I do that, is there a way to display the AUX timecode in the viewer, next to the video timecode?by mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA working with sound timecode - 17 years agoI have just started working on an HD project which involves digitizing clips from an HD tape into Final Cut. The clips are all pre-logged in a .flx file which contains a separate sound timecode from the original DATs, which were used to make the tape. I would like to be able to view the sound timecode from the DATs in the Viewer, next to the video timecode. So far I can only get it to displayby mspirytus@hotmail.com - Café LA iDVD authoring - 19 years agoI would like to know if there is a way to create a DVD, in iDVD v. 5, that goes directly into the sequence without going to the menu.by mspirytus@hotmail.com - DVD Studio Pro |