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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: PIP with MultiCam - 8 years agoIn FCP7 Multicam you had basically the same situation if you edited a Multicam clip into a project. In FCPX you can either stack the two shots on top of each other and manually sync them. Then set the upper clip to be frame in PIP as you like. The other option, which gives you more control and flexibility, is to put two copies of the Multicam clip onto the project, one on top of the other.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Re-capture tape clips in high rez from FCP 7 original project into X. - 11 years agoFCPX will not capture from tape with machine control to access specific timecode destinations. There is no such functionality built into the application. Low res media converted externally to save drive space cannot be reimported at full resolution from a card. Again there is no facility for that built into the application. Proxy media can be generated by the application for playback purposesby Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Re-capture tape clips in high rez from FCP 7 original project into X. - 11 years agoThere is no wait to do what you want in FCPX. It has no machine control capabilities, other than the most rudimentary manual control.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Bars and Tone - 11 years agoThey don't, but I think Ripple Training as them as generators for FCPX.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: FCP7canvas and timeline - 11 years agoDouble-click the sequence icon in the browser.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Clip wrap - 11 years agoAll broadcast is 29.97. Some broadcast is still interlaced. The TV sets are now much more adaptive these days and are more like computer monitors with interlace capabilities.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Clip wrap - 11 years agoYes, because the camera doesn't actually record 24p. It shoots 24p but adds pulldown to record at 29.97, the way a movie is recorded on videotape. The movie is playing at 24fps, but the tape is recording at 29.97.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: FCP X Future - 11 years ago"Since its long release more than a year ago" Not sure what this means. We are up to v 10.0.8, that's nine releases including the original, at an average rate of 2.5 months per release. Multicam was released in 10.0.3. 10.0.6 was a major rewrite. It took, I think, about seven years before legacy FCP introduced multicam editing.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Music Video Workflows - 11 years agoThere are a couple of ways to do this. One is to connect the audio track to a gap at the head so it doesn't move. Another is to put the music track on the primary storyline and then connect the video wherever you want to the music. The connected video clips don't move in relation to where they're connected to the music.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Cool Feature ;-) - 11 years agoNot as if they didn't have the same function in the outdated versions, but whatever.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Running FCP X with FCP v.6 on same mac - 11 years agoWhy won't Snow Leopard let you run them both? The two apps cannot be open at the same time, but they can certainly be installed on the same machine and run sequentially.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: How do I eliminate the extra space at start of my timeline(project)..right before program start..Pic attached - 11 years agoYou can't. Once you start putting clips into the timeline it will be pushed out of the way. It's there so the playhead isn't flush with the edge of the window.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Using Audio from both cameras in a multicam clip - 11 years agoYou can adjust the audio level in the multicam editor for each track before you edit into the timeline. If you need to raise and lower the level you can do that in the timeline with keyframes after the cut.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Using Audio from both cameras in a multicam clip - 11 years agoAfter you've done the edit, select the video clips and in the audio inspector in channel configurations activate all the tracks you want.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Finding place in Timeline when looking at clip in the Viewer - 11 years agoThe F key from the viewer will match frame back to the sequence.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Final Cut Pro X Review for booklet research Pros and Cons on the software - 11 years ago1 and 2 are wrong. After not working with a viewer for a while, I hardly ever open the event viewer. So glad to be rid of tracks. Love the skimmer. Have looked at tape in a few years. Or DVD for that matter.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Final Cut Pro X Review for booklet research Pros and Cons on the software - 11 years agoSame as 7 I think Cmd-bracket (backward forward) or click the button and select any recently open item from the drop down.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Final Cut Pro X Review for booklet research Pros and Cons on the software - 11 years ago"In FCP, I would be cutting with 2 timelines open, one for the source footage also called a stringout, and another for my record timeline because of this lack of functionality" You can open a compound clip in the timeline and switch between timeline items similar to the way you could in 7. You can't have two open timelines on the screen, if that's what you mean, but you can certainlyby Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: What is the way to play a FCPX Project on your laptop for presentation with out image pixelating - 11 years agoThat's a feature request for me. I should like an option that either plays full screen or at 100% with black around it, but does not scale the image.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X Review for booklet research Pros and Cons on the software - 11 years ago"Cannot zoom properly into event browser. This is simply retarded. Many users have the event browser in list view, which kinds of defeats the purpose of the event browser. This was from my experience trying to use FCP 10.0.6." Not exactly sure what you mean here. You can zoom into clips in filmstrip, which is a great boon for long takes like interviews, but not into the display in liby Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Aspect Ratio Madness - 11 years ago"All clips look correct in FCP timeline and viewer, as well as the QT exported final sequence." So where is the problem?by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Aspect Ratio Madness - 11 years agoComputers only display square but video often doesn't use square pixels, so the computer has to be told the PAR is not square and to adjust it. In the browser in list view there is a column for pixel aspect ratio. Right-click in it.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Aspect Ratio Madness - 11 years agoWhich QT player did you use to look at it? Does it look correct in FCP? What's the aspect ratio of the original media? When you bring the file back into FCP what does it say the pixel aspect ratio is? It should not be square.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Aspect Ratio Madness - 11 years ago1920x1080 is the display size. Check in the QT player not the finder.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA Re: Multi films with menu on Blu-Ray - 11 years agoIt's not possible in FCP. You would need Toast or Encore.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Creating Bullet Points? - 11 years agoThere are a few animated bullet point titles in FCP. If they don't work you, you might need copy one into Motion and hack it to suit you, or build your own animation from scratch in Motion.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Green line synch anchor - 12 years agoOpt-Cmd-click on the connected clip to wherever you want the connection to be.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X Re: Sharing Problems - 12 years agoDo anything you have to do inside FCP. Use the move or duplicate functions in the application. Do not do anything with the application folders or media at the Finder level.by Tom Wolsky - Café LA - X |