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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Best External Harddrive FCP and iMac - 8 years agoHi: I have an iMac from 2011 and am using FCP X to edit. I've been using G-Tech G-Drives with firewire. Can I use USB 3.0-Thunderbolt drives with this system? Also, been putting off upgrading to El Capitan. Nervous about bugs...esp. in the middle of editing a project. Any thoughts? Thanks! Nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Issues with Ext. Harddrives, Space and FCP X - 9 years agoSo I did this and found out about "ghost files." until FCP project/media files are deleting from the trash, they still "exist" (in a ghost-like state) on the harddrive. I don't remember this being this way with all of my harddrives, but it is with the OWC's! Nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Creating a HyperLink on a Clip in X - 9 years agohi: is there a way to create a hyperlink on a clip? nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Issues with Ext. Harddrives, Space and FCP X - 9 years agoHi: I posted last week about a new issue that arose for me in X, which was entitled, "Scary Message RE. Saving Project." The saga continues... I managed to somehow stop getting the message, which involved (I think) updating my version of X, changing permissions, etc....some of the more basic recommendations I got from this group. I had mentioned that I had also tried clearing/by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoThe project is still moving/copying to the new drive. I guess I can see what it does when it's over there. But as of now, opening the project in the new drive is still getting me that message. If it's still giving me that message, would you recommend deleting it from that new drive and trying the move again, only this time unchecking the include render file option?by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoOk...so...i moved the project with used clips to another drive and am still getting this message: "The disk where your projects or Events are located may be full or unavailable, projects or Events may have moved, or permissions may have changed. To avoid losing your work, quit Final Cut Pro." So...it appears to be something corrupted within the project. I'm wondering if iby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoThanks again, Andrew. Yeah, again, I have an older version of X. No libraries or consolidating yet. Wondering if I should upgrade to Yosemite and 10.2 with FCP X? Do you recommend this? I will be moving the project off of the drive. Should I also move all the source media, too, even though I will be copying it when I move the project? As far as fixing the old drive, how do I obtain dby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoUnderstanding more what you mean about "libraries," andrew. i'm not using these yet. still working with 10.0.9by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoSo, now i can get X to open with the drive in question, but there is still no memory to work with on the drive (despite the dumps). i don't know what to do about the "hard links" issue. as i said, the file chain on the drive appears to be fine. I'm wondering if I should move the project onto another disk? And do this as move project and referenced event files? And then &quoby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoalso, using this drive, i can only get out of X by force quitting. which seems bad. and it only seems to be with this drive that this problem is happening. X opens just fine without it and works well with other external drives. ???by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agothanks for responding andrew. i'm not sure what you mean by consolidating within FCPX. what's i've done is attempt to clear up some space on the external harddrive i'm using for this particular project. i've done that by deleting project files within FCP and by moving other project files off of that harddrive. i'm using one drive for working on this project. it's a 2 TB G-Tech G-Driby nlittrell - Café LA - X URGENT: Scary Message Re. Saving Project - 9 years agoHi: Getting this message: FCP cannot save changes to projects or Events. The disk where your projects or Events are located maybe full or unavailable, projects or Events may have moved or permissions may have changed. To avoid losing your work, quit FCP I've cleared out a bunch of files off the drive I'm working on (not my current project files). What's weird is the drive is not reflectby nlittrell - Café LA - X Audio Issues - 9 years agohi: i filmed some footage recently using a mixer that's fairly new to me. still trying to master it. unfortunately, some of the audio was corrupted with pops, fizzles and bad "noise." the quality and levels are otherwise good. is there a way to get rid of the bad stuff in X? nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Help with Audio - 10 years agowhat i more so mean is that the audio is "blown out" because the levels were set to high in recording. but the limiter does seem to be helping. if there are any other tricks in X please let me know. thanks again!by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Help with Audio - 10 years agoyes, it's clipping. badly. will try the limiter filter. where is that found?by nlittrell - Café LA - X Help with Audio - 10 years agoGreetings: I filmed some interview footage at super-high levels so that the audio is pretty "spiky." Can someone please recommend the best effects/filters to work with to correct this problem? I've adjusted the volume way down but these clips still need more work to be level/balanced, i.e. sound good! Thanks so much... Nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Portable or Mini Harddrives Good for Editing with FCP? - 11 years agohi again derek: do you think this is a good choice: nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA Re: Portable or Mini Harddrives Good for Editing with FCP? - 11 years agothanks for your wise advice derek--much appreciated! nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA Portable or Mini Harddrives Good for Editing with FCP? - 11 years agogreetings: i'm wondering if the newer portable or mini drives (2 TB) are a good match for editing with FCP X? i usually use g-tech g-drives and like these a lot. but i'm working with a client where i may have to shuffle off the drive via mail or move it around to different shooting locations. my business (and budget) is not big enough to purchase a multiple SATA component system. so, iby nlittrell - Café LA Re: Sharing Problems - 11 years agohi: so, i finally have moved my event and project files to an external harddrive. i did it within FCP X and amazingly, it looks like everything worked, is where it needs to be and is properly linked. however, when i look at the media files in the events folder, i'm noticing that original media and transcoded media files have an (id) after them. what does this mean? is it something to be conceby nlittrell - Café LA - X Moving Event and Project Files Between Disks - 11 years agohi: so, i finally have moved my event and project files to an external harddrive. i did it within FCP X and amazingly, it looks like everything worked, is where it needs to be and is properly linked. however, when i look at the media files in the events folder, i'm noticing that original media and transcoded media files have an (id) after them. what does this mean? is it something to be cby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Adding hyper-link to project? - 11 years agojust saw this--thanks so much. figured that's what i'd prob. need to do. nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Adding hyper-link to project? - 11 years agowould really love some input re. this...anyone?by nlittrell - Café LA - X Adding hyper-link to project? - 11 years agohi: is there a way to add a hyper-link directly into my sequence--or does this have to be done in youtube, or something? i want to create an active link to a website within my project sequence. thanks! nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Creating Bullet Points? - 11 years agook, figured out the keyboard viewer thing, too. double : )by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Creating Bullet Points? - 11 years agothanks--still do not really understand the keyboard viewer thing but option 8 worked just fine : ) thanks again!by nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Creating Bullet Points? - 11 years agothanks for the ideas. i'm not experienced enough with motion to do it there. derek: what is the keyboard viewer? not familiar with this...can you provide a screenshot? this sounds like my best option... nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Creating Bullet Points? - 11 years agohi: seemingly simple thing, which i have no idea how to do in X. how do i create a bullet point to use on text slides? i see nothing in the text tool box like this...only a one or two very limited templates. seems like a lot of hassle to create a jpeg image and use this each time... nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Sharing Problems - 12 years agothanks for your response tom--i ended up figuring this out. i'd like to move my fcp x event and project folders to an external harddrive--at present the files are accounting for most of the fill on my harddisk. any tips for streamlining that process--and making sure that everything works? should i do it right in FC or move from my computer to the ext. drive? nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X Re: Sharing Problems - 12 years agoand oh yeah, rendering for this sequence is taking FOREVER! not something that usually happens. it appears to be rendering transitions and tiff files. i think the AVCHD footage is good. nicolleby nlittrell - Café LA - X |