Show all posts by userYour basic troubleshooting forum for all things FCP Legacy (FCP 7 and below.) And general discussion on topics that do not fit in the other forums.
Not registered? Click HERE to register now FCP on 13-inch Macbook? - 16 years agoI'm considering buying the new 13-inch Macbook & noticed it has no firewire ports, just USB. I would install FCP on it, to use in field for revisions only, no big projects. Does anyone use FCP on this Macbook, and so how do you get around the lack of firewire ports? Thanks, - Danielby r.daniel - Café LA FCP > Express? - 17 years agoI currently have FCP 5.0.4. I need to now edit projects created in 5.04, instead in Final Cut Express HD 3.5. Will this work? Are there downsides - and does a comparison exist between the two? Thanks v. much - - Danielby r.daniel - Café LA Which utility program likes FCP? - 18 years agoI was advised way back to get Disk Warrior utility program to optimize/trouble-shoot disks - if I have FCP. Is this still the prevailing advice? What about Norton? Thanks for your help. - Dby r.daniel - Café LA creeping mask - 18 years agoI have a mask shape, feathered, moving slowly in FCP - it creeps, sort of stutters. This can happen with titling in FCP also. Any work around? Or do I have to build these kind of things in AE? Thanks for your help, as always. - RDby r.daniel - Café LA Gaussian blur spread - 18 years agoI'm using lots of g blur in a theater projection design, which is then slowly pulled into focus over long periods. I get a spreading effect, sometimes rings that spread out. I notice this in FCP, and also more so on QT uncompressed movie export. I can't get around that export option. No choice. Any solutions? Thanks v. much, RDby r.daniel - Café LA 720X480 export - stills - 18 years agoHaving a bit of a problem. I export a jpg (or tiff) still from photoshop with the image size of 720 X 480. I import into FCP (with seq settings of 720 X 480, uncomopressed 8-bit) - and the image at 100% scale does not quite fit the screen. It doesn't fill out the top and bottom of the canvas screen. Vertically, it's needing more image. All my other settings are at 720 X 480, and in audio/viby r.daniel - Café LA FCP/QT export quality - 18 years agoI've exported a sequence as a FCP/QT self-contained movie. Exported it with the current settings of my sequence - DV/DVPRO/NTSC. When I re-import this - does this equal the quality of the original file? My guess is, that it does since it's all digital. ALSO: If I had exported this as uncompressed 8-bit, would this have been of a higher quality? Thanks very much, RDby r.daniel - Café LA canvas is locked - 18 years agoI go to canvas to move an image and it's "locked" meaning just the arrow key shows up - and can't move the image. It's in wireframe/image mode. I can move it in viewer. Just happens with this one seq. Others are fine. Huh? Thanks! - RDFby r.daniel - Café LA stock footage - 18 years agoLooking for some good footage of gently falling snow. Know of any good stock footage sites - inexpensive? Thanks - know it's not FCP-wholly related, my apologies. - RDFby r.daniel - Café LA reconnecting media glitch - 19 years agoA co-editor and myself are swapping FCP XML and then relinking media to sequences. All the video automatically connect fine. But the graphics and music files do not. All the file names match - exactly - in our hard drives. And are in the same bins. I thought it might matter that our project files do not have bins with these files in them (as imports). But I did a test w/that and it stillby r.daniel - Café LA |