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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: digitizing dilemma - 15 years agohey, thats great, thanks for the help! Aineby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA Re: digitizing dilemma - 15 years agohey, thanks for the quick reply! just wondering then, what if the footage i am editing is for the internet, so people will only watch it on their computers, Do i have to de-interlace? Thanksby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA digitizing dilemma - 15 years agohey I am having some trouble with digitizing. I shot my footage on a sony z1 in HDV but have the camera set to down convert. I am using FCP 5.1. on a 12inch powerbook G4 mac OSX 10.4.11, I have set all my capture settings to DV PAL 48hrz anamorphic. The trouble is when i capture the footage it looks all jagged and interlaced. When i play it through the camera and look at it through the viewfinby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA Re: outputting problems - 16 years agohey, i got that sorted anyhow, i deleted some useless applications from laptop and reset my computers PRAM. then it seemed to be working better. thanks for your help.by Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA Re: outputting problems - 16 years agoi just did an audio mix down. the render line went from grey to light blue. now the audio and video render lines are light blue. It still didnt work, this time the dropped frames warning box came up. I forgot to mention the last time that everytime i go to "print to video" the part i have selected has to render first, it just says "writing viedo" as its very slow. Im reallyby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA Re: outputting problems - 16 years agook so i just checked and i think it should be fine. the original capacity on my mybook drive was 465GIG, the available space is 175GIG. I also have 20GIG left on my laptop out of 80GIG, but that shouldnt make a difference cause i have it all saved to my external, just mentioning it in case.by Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA Re: outputting problems - 16 years agoHi Jude, Thanks that seems to have worked, however i have run into another problem and i dont know if it has something to do with what i changed, When printing to video it worked perfectly until the end, just as the credits come up the droped frames warning box came up. I figured that maybe the scrolling text was corrupt so i deleted it and made a brand new one, this stopped the droped framesby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA outputting problems - 16 years agoHi I am working from an powerbook g4 laptop osx version 10.4.11. I am using FCP version 5. 500G mybook laptop, sony z1 pal camera. today i tried to export a sequence from the timeline to my camera. the sequence was shot on HD and was then down converted to DV CAM. There really shouldnt be any problem because about four days ago I exported an earlier version of the same sequence with no hitchby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA Distorted Video - 16 years agoHi Im have been cutting a documentary for college on FCP on my Powerbook G4 Laptop. I was also using a mybook 500 G external hard drive, I have 2G of ram. When it came to color correcting the film I had to consolidate the project to the internal hard drive so that i could hook up a deck which was connected to a monitor. I was surprised to find that when the picture came up it had a white dashby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA capture scratch problems - 16 years agoi am trying to import material from my Sony Z1 to my powerbook G4 laptop. I plan on importing about 10 hours of footage for a project i am doing. i just bought a mybook 500G hard drive and cleared the drive so that should be working fine. I also re-set the scratch disks to this drive. When capturing the first tape it allowed me to capture about 10 minutes and then froze. when i closed the applicaby Aine Ni Fhaolain - Café LA |