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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: workflow: AVCHD (panasonic-ag-hmc40) and FCP - 14 years agoI've been using the Panny HMC150 (which also shoots AVCHD) for the past 18 months and find the workflow very user friendly. Plus the cards are dirt cheap in comparison to P2 cards -- $40 holds more than 90 minutes of 1080p. We brought 30 of them for a shoot in Guatemala and they worked flawlessly. Thomasby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: audio synch question: using 30fps "flip camera" footage in a 29.97 timeline - 15 years agoI know it can be done... I'm just hoping to hear from people who've done it... and hear what their workflow is. I've just heard a lot of grumbling (about out-of-synch audio) from people who've shot 30fps footage with the canon 5d mark II and tried to convert it to 24fps or 29.97fps. We have a quick turnaround on this edit, and we don't want to use flip cameras if we have to spend an inordinate amby thomasnybo - Café LA audio synch question: using 30fps "flip camera" footage in a 29.97 timeline - 15 years agoWe're producing a travel reality show and we're considering giving out some flip cameras to the on-camera hosts to intercut with the principal photography. We're not worried about a slightly degraded visual image, but I'm worried about the audio being in synch. The timeline is 29.97 frames per second... and as far as I know, the flip camera (like the Canon 5d mark II) records at a straight 30 fraby thomasnybo - Café LA Need to convert to 1080/50i. Should I shoot at 1080/60i or 1080/24p? - 15 years agoI'm working with a client that needs my footage in 1080/50i. I'm shooting on a Panasonic HMC 150... and as I see it, my options are either shoot at 1080/60i or 1080/24p... then convert using Compressor. Any thoughts on which would be best? I'm guessing 1080/24p, but I've never converted a progressive image to interlaced. Thomas P.S. Years ago I used Graeme Nattress' plug-in to convert DV foby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: red exclamation mark when importing AVCHD Footage - 15 years agoI've had a similar problem: a handful of clips won't import (like you, I get the red exclamation point). I can discern no pattern as to why certain clips won't import... but a quick work-around that works for me is simply changing the name of the clip that won't import. This method has worked 100% of the time. - Thomasby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: HELP! BAD AUDIO - 16 years agoReshoot the interview. You can waste a lot of time (and a little money) trying to improve the audio, but in the end it will still sound bad. We've all been there, and tried like mad to eliminate echoes/air conditioners/traffic... all to little avail, if indeed the problem is "terrible."by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Fttping an MPEG 2 - 17 years agoAndy and Koz are correct about MPEG2 being used for broadcast. I upload MPEG2 files to The Newsmarket all the time. The clips are typically two minutes long... and are less than 90 MB. I use Compressor (720 x 480; average data rate 4 Mbps, max data rate 6 Mpbs; audio set at IMA 4:1). Once the video and audio files are created, merge them using BitViceHelper, which can be downloaded here: Thoby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: OT: Zach from "on the lot" - 17 years agolhdor12 zach's latest short ('die hardly working') didn't have ANY special effects (just great sound design) and he still destroyed the competition, which is admittedly weak. i agree with shane -- a show with great potential has descended into a saccharine mess (with shameless product placements, like the caveman/mustang short, which not only kisses the arse of the show's sponsor (ford) but isby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Input for voiceover tool?? - 17 years ago<<<a mic through a pre-amp>>> i run an electro-voice re20 mic through a focusrite 'voicemaster pro' pre-amp.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Input for voiceover tool?? - 17 years ago> so why does FCP have a voiceover tool that cannot be used I'm with Derek. I use a mic through a pre-amp and the voice-over tool works quite well.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: OT- is it ok to use 10 sec of music w/o copyright? - 17 years agoi stand by derek and shane's advice. anyone making documentaries knows what an uphill fight it is securing music rights, even if everybody and their dog suggests it falls under "fair use." ask a filmmaker who's tried to use a clip of anyone (even in a documentary) singing happy birthday. it ain't free. many a filmmaker has been sued or threatened with litigation because they were givenby thomasnybo - Café LA O.T.:Free 8GB P2 card with HVX200... what's up? - 18 years agoPanasonic is offering a free 8GB P2 card (and the HVX Book by Barry Green) with purchase of HVX200 before Dec. 31. Sweet deal, for sure ? I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any big changes in store for the HVX200 in the short-term (HVX200a?). I've heard the 16GB P2 card isn't too far off. Anyone know anything else? Thomasby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: capturing Sony Z1 HDV footage - 18 years agoThe Z1 doesn't shoot 720p. As for storage requirements with the Z1, Tom is right ? 1080i HDV takes up about the same amount of space as DV, so five hours will require at least 60 hours. (720p HDV, like in the JVC, records at a slightly smaller bitrate... which is probably why Josh suggested less space is needed.)by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Progressive Scan - 18 years agoJohn If you're shooting on a Sony VX 2000, DO NOT shoot in progressive mode. It won't shoot 30 fps... it will only shoot 15 fps. Unless you intentionally want an extremely choppy look... avoid it, and use something like Graeme's film-look plug-ins to get a progressive look. Sony has lagged behind others (notably Panasonic) when it comes to offering progressive shooting on cameras under $5,000by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: OT: problems with B and H? - 18 years agoUsing B&H for six years... they only messed up one order (in a minor way) and promptly fixed the problem. No complaints.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Progressive VS 30P - 18 years ago30p is progressive. p = progressive... i = interlaced.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: HDV Camera Conundrum - 18 years ago<< "I'd avoid DVCProHD for quality reasons though.... It's rough on video....">> Graeme... what exactly do you mean by "rough on video"? I'm about to begin a project on HDV and a number of people have suggested converting all the HDV footage to DVCProHD before editing (because of shorter renders, etc). I'm going to be using a lot of plug-ins (including your greatby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Monitor Calibration - 18 years ago<Besides with DV, you have very little chance of ever getting it to a television or cable station.> DV makes it to cable and beyond all the time. PBS, MTV, CNN, National Geographic, Discovery, HBO and many more.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Magic Bullet and color correction - 18 years agoJoey What's the difference between FCP version and AE version? Any idea how it compares to Graeme Nattress' film effects? Thomasby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Voice Over Blues - 18 years agoPopular topic. Do a quick search of this forum and you'll find about a thousand recommendations for pre-amps, etc. I'd stay away from the iMic.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: making digital video look more like film - 18 years agoDo a quick search on this forum and you'll find a ton of suggestions, including buying a set of film-look filters by Graeme Nattress. You might start by de-interlacing the video, changing the gamma and making it 24 frames per second -- all things you can do with the Nattress filters. Here's the link:by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Buying mic for inputting sound into G5 FCP5 reasonable price good quality. - 18 years agoMy two cents on the Griffin iMic: avoid it. The blurb on the website sounds great - but in reality, it's hit-or-miss. At times, it works fine; but sometimes it produces an unacceptable amount of noise that will drive you nuts. I've been using a PreSonus FIREBOX for the past month and it's been working great. Here's some info:by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Crap quality MPG2 DVD Pro - 18 years agoSince we're on the subject, what does everyone (Greg, Graeme, anyone) think is the best way to get the highest-quality DVDs using FCP? I've just finished a 45-minute documentary with a lot of graphics. I exported the documentary as a self-contained movie, then dropped it into iDVD and made a quick DVD. Quality looks fine ? I'm just wondering if the quality would improve if I were to use DVD Stuby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: slow speed - 18 years agoMost of the slow motion I see with Final Cut (and Avid) looks a little soft. To get slow motion, Final Cut needs to stick in extra frames of video. Unless you shoot with a variable frame rate (only available on film cameras, the Varicam or the HVX200), you're not going to get the beautiful slow motion we're accustomed to seeing in feature films or music videos. That said, I've also seen some pby thomasnybo - Café LA Re: slow speed - 18 years agoUnless you're shooting on a Varicam or an HVX200 (each has a true variable frame rate), you're slo-mo isn't going to look so great.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: Problems getting HDV footage back onto tape. - 18 years agoThe only way I'm able to lay HDV back to my Sony HDV cam is through "print to video." Have you tried "print to video"?by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: UPDATE on capturing Sony HZ1 footage with GL1 camera - 18 years agoWhat format was the footage shot in (HDV or regular DV)? If it's HDV, there's no way you can capture it using a GL1.by thomasnybo - Café LA Re: HDV conversion questions - 18 years agoFrom what I've heard, the not-so-friendly side of HDV appears when it comes time to render. Nightmares abound about insanely-long renders. So I guess the question I have is: what's the quickest way to convert HDV to DVCPRO HD? I've heard someone say that if you're just doing a Quicktime Conversion within FCP, it could take six hours to convert one hour of HDV to one hour of DVCPRO HD. I don't kby thomasnybo - Café LA HDV conversion questions - 18 years agoWhat's the best strategy for converting Sony HDV to a more FCP-friendly format like DVCPRO HD? I'm most concerned about time. Does a capture card like the Kona-LH allow you to do it on the fly as it's imported? Do you need the Sony HDV deck (and not just the camera) if you go this route? And if you go with the HDVxDV software, how long does it take to convert one hour of HDV? (I've emailed theby thomasnybo - Café LA |