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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Time Code Problem - 16 years agoThis is wierd. A friend shot some underwater video of a shark and at one point the shark rammed the housing and the video momentarily disrupted. I took his Hi8 material (it was shot some time ago) and successfully transfered it to DV (Sony UVW-1800 to a Sony DSR-20). Obviously, in this transfer the DSR laid down a brand new time code. Yet, when I try to digitize the material from the DSR-20 intoby Delphinus - Café LA FCP Crash problem - 16 years agoFCP 5 G5 os x 10.4.11 6.5 GB Ramm 1.8 processor I have been working on a project for the past five months. Today, when I opened up the project, it loads all the way up to the window that indicates some media is offline, do I wish to continue. I have always gotten that window and indicated "OK" and the project opens. Today, FCP crashes each time I click "OK". I have dumpby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Playback Problem - 16 years agoThanks, guys. Not answering "yes" does allow me to render and play. Often, as with this project, I only have material sourced on DVD, coming from other parties. I am reading your response carefully. Terrific advice. Although I have been editing on FCP for over twn years, I am relatively new at using material extracted from DVDs, so you'll have to forgive my ignorance. One question. If Iby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Playback Problem - 16 years agoWell, here's what I had been advised need be done on this kind of project. I had four 6-minute films I needed to make into one mov. clip. The films were extracted from a DVD using DVxDVD. Everthing played fine on my NTSC monitor. After I put all four films into my timeline and did a little cleanup on them, I created a single mov. file using mpeg-4 (I was advised by others not to use H.264 for thiby Delphinus - Café LA Playback Problem - 16 years agoThis happens on occassion and, frankly, has me completely perplexed. I imported video material into FCP, edited it, and converted the final short film to mpeg-4 in order to burn DVDs (which I did successfully). I then wanted to make a DVCam backup of all of the mpeg-4 material, so I imported them into a New Project, laid them on the timeline, and tried to play them (no render lines are present).by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Rendering problem - 16 years agoNo color comes up at all. I already had him dump the fcp plist and the entire Final Cut Pro User Data folder, restart the computer and, still, no color line above the matte when brought into the timeline.by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Rendering problem - 16 years agoThe problem wit this suggestion is that when my editor brings in a matte, there is no immediate red line to render ... at all. There should be one. Why would he not get the red line render indicator when bringing in the matte to the timeline?by Delphinus - Café LA Rendering problem - 16 years agoOne of my editors, working at home, is on FCP4.5HD and when laying a 10-second matte on V1, no red render line appears and the play cursor stutters over the clip. Any ideas what the problem might be? Rendering effects is fine ... just the matte. Thanks. He is on 10.4.11 with planty of memory and a fire wire drive is designated.by Delphinus - Café LA Audio filters! EEEkkk! - 16 years agoThe FCP audio filters are, obviously, enormously compicated. Is there a FCP filter that will simply allow me to increase or decrease bass and/or treble? Thanks. I'm working in Final Cut Studio on a G5 with OS X 10.4.11by Delphinus - Café LA SpyWare - 16 years agoThis may not seem like a FCP question, but I have a SpyWare infection that I can't get rid of and am worried it may start to affect other programs like FCP. I bought MacScan and ran it five times on all files and the SpyWare still affects some of my websites. Do you know of a program that will definitely remove it. I get a window (titled JavaScript) that says: <> Windby Delphinus - Café LA Convert aiff. file to mpeg-3 - 16 years agoHow do you convert an aiff. file to mpeg-3? I was told to import the aiff. file into iTunes, right-click on the file and use the "Convert to mpeg-3", but there is no such conversion that I can find. Any hlep would be appreciated.by Delphinus - Café LA Bringing in text - 16 years agoI have brought in Photoshop files to FCP hundreds of times with an Alpha channel background. Today, for some reason, when I bring in text with an alpha channel background into FCP, the text has a solid black block in back of the lettering. When I open Photoshop and look at the document, it is clean, with no black in the background. The black appears as a solid block barely extending to the outsidby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Timeline freeze on NTSC monitor - 16 years agoI converted the original clip using Photo JPEG at 100%. No difference. When I import it into the timeline, it plays fine on the Canvas but freezes on the NTSC monitor, which is run through a Sony DSR 20.by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Timeline freeze on NTSC monitor - 16 years agoThe source was ripped from a DVD (a FCP project of mine from many months ago) using DVxDVD. I've done this before with other DVD source material, imported the movie into FCP and had no problems. This time though I am. What Codec is best to use for conversion?by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Timeline freeze on NTSC monitor - 16 years agoOf course I know what a Menu is, in the generic sense. I was not sure you meant External Video under the View menu because if that is not turned on then the NTSC monitor will show nothing but black, as opposed to showing whatever frame the FCP timeline cursor is on at the time. I did the conversion in H.264. Should I have used MPEG-4 instead, or another setting?by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Timeline freeze on NTSC monitor - 16 years agoThanks for the quick response. What "Menu" are you refering to? I am not familiar with anything named "Menu" in Final Cut Pro.by Delphinus - Café LA Timeline freeze on NTSC monitor - 16 years agoI converted a Quicktime movie using H.264, imported it into a Final Cut Studio and received a notice that the clip I was placing on the timeline did not match settings of the project. I clicked on the tab to do the conversion, imported it into the timeline, rendered it and tried to play it. It played fine on the canvass but froze on the NTSC monitor. I then opened up the original movie and, usingby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Remove Antivirus 2008 - 16 years agoThe Antivirus 2009 (switched over from 2008 two days ago automatically) appears on all browsers (Safari, Camino, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox), but only on video programs on one particular site. Hard closing all the browsers does not make any sense in getting rid of it. Would I have to open each one, hard close it, them wait a couple of days? It seems I would have to trash a program or a filby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Remove Antivirus 2008 - 16 years agoI removed a Norton folder last night (only thing labeled Norton or Symantic) and this morning I am now getting Antivirus 2009 instead of 2008. It only happens on a few websites and a few files on those sites, but it is annoying and I really need to trash it. I have done Google searches for removing this on OS X but none of the sites was helpful; they always refer to things in the PC domain. Any iby Delphinus - Café LA Remove Antivirus 2008 - 16 years agoAll of a sudden I am getting an automatic launching of Symantic's Antivirus 2008, which I never bought or downloaded. I have been getting scarry info on this program and don't want it to affect my FCP files. Is there a way to get rid of this on os x 10.4.11?by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Problem playing QT downloaded from DVD - 16 years agoNo, the DVD was not copyright protected. Of that, I am sure.by Delphinus - Café LA Problem playing QT downloaded from DVD - 16 years agoI received a DVD from a client and extracted the material using DVDxDVPro, which I have done successfully many times. In this case, however, I did successfully extract it but when I imported it into FCP 6, it plays on my viewer but does not go through my Sony deck properly; the picture freezes on my NTSC monitor. I have checked the RT which is fine. I converted the clip to a FCP QT movie and impoby Delphinus - Café LA G4 to G5 - 16 years agoI have been editing in FCP 6 on a G4 Quicksilver and now need more RAMM, so I picked up a G5. The Quicksilver has a Radeon 9800 and the G5 has a Radeon 9600 Pro. Is the 9600 Pro powerful enough to not cause problems with FCP, especially if I start editing in HD? If not, are the two video cards interchangeable?by Delphinus - Café LA Computer freezes when rendering - 17 years agoG4 Quicksilver 1.7 MHz Processor 1.5 GB SDRAMM FCP 6 OS X 10.4.11 Quicktime 7.4 Pro This has been happening only since I upgraded to FCP 6. Even on the smallest clips, when there is heavy filtering, the computer freezes up during rendering. I am stumped. This never happened in FCP 4.5 HD or FCP 5. Any ideas? I have plenty of SDRAMM and no other programs are open when this occurs.by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Recurring monitor problwm - 17 years agoI have done exactly what the instructional indicated for restoring the deck. No difference. I have copied down all of the Standard Video Compression Settings for clips in my system that DO work and they match exactly the clip extracted from the DVD that does not work. All the other clips I have digitized from DV tapes work perfectly. These two that I extracted from a DVD do not play on the NTSC mby Delphinus - Café LA scratch remover software program - 17 years agoIs there software for removing scratch ticks from LP recordings? Thanks.by Delphinus - Café LA Recurring monitor problwm - 17 years agoG4 Quicksilver 10.4.11 QT 7.3.1 1.47 GHz 1.5 SDRamm FCP 6.0 This problem comes and goes. Frustrating. Two parts: Part One: Ever since I installed FCP 6.0, I have a heck of a time getting my NTSC monitor to come up through my Sony DSR-20. It may come up in ten minutes or an hour, I never know. I have not changed the settings from FCP 5.0 when everything worked fine. However, when I hiby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Image to monitor problem - 17 years agoNot sure what you mean. The 9800 controls the two flat screen monitors, which come on fine. I am refering to the NTSC monitor. The firewire comes from the computer to the Sony DSR-20, and the NTSC monitor (as always) is connected to the video out of the DSR-20. The NTSC monitor does come on, but only after I wait anywhere between 10 and 40 minutes, no matter how many times I refresh or check &quoby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Image to monitor problem - 17 years agoThe setting you indicate in Audio/Visual makes my second monitor a full screen, but does not effect my NTSC monitor, which is what I was having problems with. Again, when I fire up FCP, the NTSC monitor does not come on, no matter how many "refreshes" is do and with "all Frames" selected. Then, maybe 10 to 40 minutes later, the ntsc monitor pops on, completely randomly. I've uby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Image to monitor problem - 17 years agoHi: Yes, I checked All Frames and Refresh many times. I have a Radeon 9800 video card. Strange thing is that I cannot get the image for up to several hours, then, all of a sudden, it pops on and all is OK. Can't figure this one out, and certainly cannot wait several hours to start work. An ideas would be very helpful.by Delphinus - Café LA |