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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Image to monitor problem - 17 years agoI just upgraded to Final Cut Studio and am having problems. When I open Final Cut, all seems fine except that I can no longer get an image on my NTSC monitor. I hit refresh and the monitor blinks but the image does not come up. I have checked all settings and they seem fine, but no image. Any ideas? G4 Quicksilver 1.7 processor 1.5 GB Ram OS X 10.4.11 QT 7.3.1by Delphinus - Café LA Re: What Graphics Card do I need? - 17 years agoJohn: I called CDW to order and they indicated that the only two to fit the Quicksilver are the Radeon X800 XT and the Radeon 9200 Mac Edition. I did a search for a Radeon 9800 and what I came up with looks like an accelerator. Check it out: I don't think the Quicksilver has the power to run the X800, Is the 9200 what you meant?by Delphinus - Café LA What Graphics Card do I need? - 17 years agoI just upgraded from FCP 4.5 HD to FC Studio on my G4 Quicksilver, but I cannot launch FC Studio because apparently I need a newer graphics card than the Radeon 9000 Pro currently installed. Several people have told me it should launch with this video card, but it won't. Any suggestions? OS X 10.4.11 QT 7.3.0by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Digitizing Problem - 17 years agoWhen I get a software upgrade from Apple, I usually just figure it is going to make everything run better. They never tell you whether there would be problems. How naive of me. If I upgrade to FCP 5, would that work with OS X 10.4.11 and QT 7.3.0?by Delphinus - Café LA Digitizing Problem - 17 years agoI am having a problem that just recently occurred. Whenever I digitize a clip of three minutes or longer, the frame freezes about three minutes into the process, while the audio remains constant. Then about a minute later, the video snaps back to sync. Also, if I have a Quicktime file, properly digitized, on any harddrive, and I drop it into the timeline, the same thing happens. I have tried digby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Creating a QT Movie - 17 years agoAll of my drives have at least 20% remaining, plus I have dumped render file sand re-rendered as suggested by derekmok. No difference. When I mark the in and out and go to Export Quicktime Movie, I initially get the spinning film reel, then I get the spinning color ball. I then have to shut down the entire computer to bring FCP back on line. Again, I dumped the FCP plist and put the master driveby Delphinus - Café LA Creating a QT Movie - 17 years agoAll of a sudden I am having an imposible time creating a QT movie in FCP 4.5 HD. I imported a QT movie into my timeline, made a few changes, then tried over and over again to convert the project into another QT movie. However, every time I do this, I get the spinning color wheel, and I have to close FCP, re-start the computer in order to fire up FCP again. I've created many QT movies this way andby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Quality of QT extraced from DVD - 17 years agoI downloaded the program and attempted to extract the media from the DVD with no success. When I attempt to download it in an mpeg format I get a box that tells me that I need to upgrade my mpeg-2 player. Apple's site does not even include a designated mpeg-2 upgrade and besides, I should not need one in that I have QT7Pro on FCP 4.5HD. I tried to extract the media in H.264 and, although I got aby Delphinus - Café LA Re: Quality of QT extraced from DVD - 17 years agoI tried de-interlacing but no effect. Also, am using DVDxDVPro to extract source to QT. I don't think there are any options on extraction with this program. Any other extraction software suggestions?by Delphinus - Café LA Quality of QT extraced from DVD - 17 years agoWith the permission of the producer, I extracted a QT movie from a DVD. I have done this many times before and the quality has been excellent. From this particular DVD, however, the quality is excellent as well, except with any rapid movements, like a diver pumping their leg and the rapid movement of his flippers. Rapid movement creates a blurring which, when I freeze the frame, shows horizontalby Delphinus - Café LA Re: FCP and Broadcast Ready filter - 17 years agoMore ... I stripped an mpeg off a DVD and brought it into FCP where I had to render the entire 45-minute movie. This clip seems to be rendering just fine. Could it be that the QT movie that froze my FCP when I tried to render it is bad?by Delphinus - Café LA Re: FCP and Broadcast Ready filter - 17 years agoI was able to do several 8-minute clips, but the 16-minute clip was absolutely impossible. It froze FCP immediately after the Render progress bar appeared (with spinning color ball). I have, in the past, used this filter on 60-minute shows with no problem, but all of a sudden this has happened. Scratching my head!!!by Delphinus - Café LA Re: FCP and Broadcast Ready filter - 17 years agoLauren: I made sure I was sending rendering files to a non-system firewire 250GB drive (which has 100GB remaining), plus I successfully rebuilt the main drive with the latest version of DiskWarrior. I opened FCP, brought in the QT movie to the timeline, applied the Broadcast Safe filter, and clicked Render. The render box came up and, as before, FCP froze up with the spinning color ball. Nothby Delphinus - Café LA FCP and Broadcast Ready filter - 17 years agoI'm having a heck of a problem getting FCP 4.5 HD to render clips that have the Broadcast Ready filter applied to them. I have not had this problem before but it is currently haunting my system and I can't seem to get it out. I apply the filter, apply Render and the render box comes up and gets to about 1% before FCP freezes up (spinning wheel of death). I have removed the fcp.plist and FCP Userby Delphinus - Café LA Re: HD input/editing/Output - 17 years agoShane: Could we edit and save on a harddrive if we decided, instead of HDV, to use HD 720p24 from some of the prosumer HD camcorders? We want to end up with a product that we can call HD, regardless of the rediculously insane types of HD there are out there. For example, the PBS deliverables indicate they will take HD 720p, and that's about all they say. I don't want to go through an HDV prodby Delphinus - Café LA Re: HD input/editing/Output - 17 years agoBut, I can store the final product on an external harddrive, right? Then have it converted at a facility that has the equipment?by Delphinus - Café LA Re: HD input/editing/Output - 17 years agoWe will be using HDV (JVC GY-HD250) and initially using the camera for input. If it is as simple as inputing in HDV 720p24 via the camera, completing the editing, then outputing back to the HDV tape, that would be fine too (as opposed to archiving it on an external drive). Can we do the same for 1080i, in that this camera shoots in both formats?by Delphinus - Café LA Re: HD input/editing/Output - 17 years agoAm editing and outputing in 720p24. I understand that FCP 5 would allow me a broader range than what I have now, no? Might just go that route. But for right now, if I finish a 720p24 project in FCP 4.5 and want to save it to a separate drive, what format would I save it to? QT? We're all learning here.by Delphinus - Café LA HD input/editing/Output - 17 years agoI am about to start editing HD in FCP. Can standard Firewire input and output, or do I need the new Firewire drives? If the new Firewire drives are needed, do I have to replace my video card with one that accepts HD? And, finally, several clients have told me they will accept the HD program on the drive. Does that mean the final HD program is saved in a Quicktime format, or what? I'm a fast learnby Delphinus - Café LA Audio input problem with HDV - 17 years agoMac G5 Tower FCP 5 I have been shooting some nice bird and alligator footage on my Sony HDV. I can digitize the picture fine but can?t bring in audio. I?ve checked to see if I have to switch something on the camera to output through the firewire but can?t find anything. I?ve looked all over on the FCP A/V and can?t find anything to change. Any ideas?by Delphinus - Café LA DVCam conversion to HD 1080i - 17 years agoI recently bought a software program from Instant HD that converts DVCam to HD 720p24, and it workd well. However, some broadcasters are asking for shows in HD 1080i. Is anyone familiar with a software program that will convert DVCam to HD 1080i?by Delphinus - Café LA Reverting back to QT 6 - 17 years agoI am on OS X 10.3.9 and thought that upgrading to Quicktime 7.1 would improve things. Instead it has really fouled things up (QT movies stutter or don't play at all, plus other problems) and I have been advised to go back to QT 6. What is the easiest way to do this?by Delphinus - Café LA FCP 4.5 HD free upgrade - 17 years agoI was told there was a FCP 4.5 HD free upgrade to FCP 5.0.1. Is this true, and, if so, from what website can I download it? Apple's website does not seem to be able to find it. Thanks, all.by Delphinus - Café LA Re: Output HD - 17 years agoShane: Thanks for that. May be just the push I need for a G5. Also, good question, regarding what output format. I am still waiting to hear from Smithsonian Networks, but good to know no matter what format needed, I need to either get a G5 or take the drive to a facility for the transfer. Thanks for the info and input. Stanby Delphinus - Café LA Output HD - 17 years agoHi all: I am converting some of my documentaries to HD (720p 24fps de-interlaced) via an HD plugin program. I am using FCP 4.5 HD with a G4 Powermac, 1.4 processor, OS X 10.3.9. What would you suggest as the best way to output the HD project from this computer? I am pretty sure I need an HD video card, but are these video cards available for a G4? Any other suggestions? Thanks. Stanby Delphinus - Café LA QUICKTIME - 17 years agoOS X 10.3.9 Quicktime 7.1.5 Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD Mac G4 PowerPC 1.47 GHz 1.5 GB SDRAM When I open any Quicktime file in Quicktime 7.1.5, it never plays smoothly; it always stutters through the play. I have the same system on my office G4 and the files play fine. Any ideas what is preventing QT on my FCP G4 from playing smoothly?by Delphinus - Café LA Flash Video on OS X - 17 years agoFriends: Two questions: 1. Can I convert a QT movie in FCP to be compatible with the web, and if so, how? 2. Is there a way to convert MPEG files to Flash Video using OS X, i.e., is there a Flash Movie software for Mac? If so, where do you get it because I have not been able to find it? Thanks, Stan Minasianby Delphinus - Café LA Re: QT Movie gets out of sync - 18 years agoWell, don't I feel like an idiot? One of my editors left the DVD burner program running and it was invisible behind my FCP project. When I closed that down, all works fine. Thanks for the input. I feel a bit like an idiot but it's good to have you all there to help when things actually do go wrong.by Delphinus - Café LA Re: QT Movie gets out of sync - 18 years agoThis is a continuous, unbroken QT movie created in FCP. Initially, when I realized it was out of sync, I hit the Play bar to stop, then quickly hit it again and it umped back into sync. Lately, that does not work; it remains way out of sync.by Delphinus - Café LA QT Movie gets out of sync - 18 years agoWhen putting a 30 minute Quicktime movie on a ew sequence in FCP, the movie gets out of sync by about 12 frames during the first twenty minutes. If I hit the play bar to stop, then immediately hit it again to strt, it jumps back into s¥nc. What's wrong here? Thanks.by Delphinus - Café LA |