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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Our 2008 48 Hour Film - 16 years agoWe actually had a scene between the girl and the dishwasher where he asks her out and she rejects him and tells him he'd be more attractive if he ran the place. When we started cutting things down tht scene was taken out to make the whole thing shorter. That's an interesting point about having the devil play chess with the girl. But, in terms of the time we had to make this and the availabilitby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: "File's format is too new for this version of the application." - 16 years agoWow...I shud go do 50 push-ups now..Heheheheheheheheh... Upgraded the laptop to version 6.0.3 and VIOLA!!! Piece of cake!! This reminds me of when I thought our cable box wasn't working and when my wife called the cable company while she was on the phone I realized tht I hadn't plugged in the cable line to the----.by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Re: "File's format is too new for this version of the application." - 16 years agohmmmm....it just says 6.0 then when I click on it: 60A257by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Re: "File's format is too new for this version of the application." - 16 years agoDarn, but I thought I got the same version for both machines. Version 6.by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Re: POLL: LACIE FIREWIRE DRIVES: How do you feel about them? - 16 years agoI've got 6 LaCie drives. (2) 250gb Porsche models (2) 160gb (1) 250gb (1) 320gb quadra One of the Porsches went kapoots. I had to use disk warrior to recover the info in that one. Sometimes I've had problems seeing them in the finder. But otherwise they've been pretty good and reliable. If anyone has any recommendations for another external drive brand I'd like to know. Thanks!by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA "File's format is too new for this version of the application." - 16 years ago"File's format is too new for this version of the application." Hello. I got this message when trying to open up a project on the laptop (PBG4 1.67GHz 17" running Mac OS X 10.4.11. The project was originally created on a Mac Pro running Leopard. From what I've been reading it sounds to me like the project won't open up because of Tiger running on the Powerbook.by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Our 2008 48 Hour Film - 16 years agoHello Again! Here's our entry to the 2008 48 Hour Film Project in Philadelphia. Submissions were due at 7:30pm on Sunday the 27th. At 6:45pm we were still Printing to Video because for some reason no sound was going through to the miniDV tape. But! We finally got it done and got there to hand it in with 10 minutes to spare. Looking back on it, it looks like there were a few things thby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: Good-Bye to you all, I'm moving to Windows Vista... - 16 years agoSomeone from Microsoft needs to rush over to Bruce Springsteen's house and apologize ASAP! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell converting down resolution - 16 years agoHello, I'm not sure where to post this or how to describe what I want to do but here it goes. I'm trying to convert the resolution of a video clip from 720x480 to 320x???. Is there a way do the calculation to figure out what that second number should be? Or maybe i'm going about this the wrong way. I'm creating video clips to be viewed from an iptv server. the quality is great, but I have blby PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Re: Making Curry Chicken - 16 years agoLOLOL Not offended at all. I embrace the criticism. It's one of the ways I can work harder to get better at this. I'd be more upset if I were told I did a good job but in reality was doing a crappy job. One of my goals is to someday hear "He took our advices worked hard at it and did a great job...but.." LOLOLOL It's all in the game.by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: Suggestions for Home Studio TV - 16 years agoAmazon gave tht tv 3 out of 5 stars... what kind of a home studio setup do you have? I'm trying to put one together myself.by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Re: Indian countdown plug in - 16 years agoIs this what you're talking about? wikipedia has everything! LOL whether it's true or not...by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Making Curry Chicken - 16 years agoYes. It's a complete rip-off. But like every other dude who's ever wanted to make a 'movie' of some kind I wanted to start it off like that and BE like George. I did this a few years back. I didn't use markers for any of the cuts. I basically sized the clips to the length of the music. Learning how to cut is a on-going process. But I liked it and in the end, the food was really good! Spongebob caby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: My demo reel - 16 years agoFor some reason this sounds like a silly question but i have to ask. How much of work stuff can I put in a demo reel? I have personal stuff I can put in but I'd like to put in dome work stuff (e.g. events, short vids) too. I'd also like to know what are you looking for when watching a demo reel? I supposed I can show 20 cross dissolves and a fade out or two...LOLOL Since I also handle tby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: My Outtakes trailer - 16 years agoHmmm. Hopefully I'll post something more worthwhile next time.by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: My Outtakes trailer - 16 years agoWell, it was funny to me. And to the people involved with making the little movie. But that's probably because of all the inside jokes. Hahahaha.by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: My Outtakes trailer - 16 years agoyes, the first time I couldn't hear the music but that may be the way it was converted onto youtube. so I raised the volume before uploading it the second time. lol, every scene to me seemed funny but since it's my own movie I suppose my own biases came into play. It's like that inside joke only the people involved would understand? hahaha. my target audience should expand to ones who haveby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell My Outtakes trailer - 16 years agoPlease check out my Outtakes trailer. I hope you find it entertaining. The music is also kind of catchy. Thanks!by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Using FCP 5.0.4 & looking for updates - 16 years agoAre there any updates to FCP 5.0.4 and are they free to download somewhere?by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA OT: Really working? Or just doing nothing? - 16 years agoI didn't know where to post this so if this isn't the right place let me know! Thanks! Some people seem to think that this kind of work isn't really work. To these people, if you're not on the phone talking to customer's or doing something physically with your hands (e.g. fixing computers, etc..) you're not really working. This really bugs me and I wanted to see if anyone has any comeback'sby PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA Re: Tasty holiday treat- Scorcese's Hitchcock - 16 years agoI can watch this over and over...I wish he'd do more!!!by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: Video of a local Philly Band - 17 years agoCorrect Sir! LOL It was this band's first ever performance on stage and I had brought my camera to videotape them. I recorded the entire performance, about 20 minutes or so, and changed angles on different songs. I would definitely use 3 cams if I wanted to capture the essence of a performance and keep it interesting. I was using a Canon HV20 and even though I was about 15-20ft from theby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: Art of the Edit? - 17 years agoEric Tseng! That's it...I like him in the second Infernal Affairs. Maybe because they went more into his back story.by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Video of a local Philly Band - 17 years agoHere's a video is did of a local band here in Philly. The quality stinks and I'm trying to figure out how I could upload a better quality vid under 100mb. I'm using a Canon HV20. Stayed in one spot for this song. Zoomed in for close ups of each person. I guess it's not much in terms of content but, oh well...by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: Art of the Edit? - 17 years agoHello! What is your take on Justin Lin and Better Luck Tomorrow and the Tokyo Drift movie and his latest film, Finishing the Game? I watched the first two Infernal Affairs after watching The Departed. Initially I was a little biased because I thought that The Departed ripped off Infernal Affairs without giving IA any props but I think after taking steps back and thinking about it I realizedby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: Our 2007 National Film Challenge Entry... - 17 years agoThanks DerekMok! Your reviews of our works are what we look for when we enter these things. We don't usually get constructive input back from the contests so this helps us when we go back to refine and remix our little movies.by PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Our 2007 National Film Challenge Entry... - 17 years agoHello! Here is our entry for the 2007 National Film Challenge. I think we had the most fun making this one and we also had some of the BEST chicken wings ever, Bon Chon Chicken. If you've never had it, you gotta try it... We didn't have that extra day to shoot though because we had to go to a wedding that Sunday. But we did get it mailed away on time. Our Genre was Fantasy/Superhero, Charby PhillyFilmmaker - Show and Tell Re: One Man Pre/Post Production - 17 years agoGreat! I wasn't sure where to post it. Thanks!by PhillyFilmmaker - Jobs One Man Pre/Post Production - 17 years agoI used to be a helpdesk tech. (for 17 years, UGHHHHHH!!!!) But after a new company took over the heldpesk, I was offered a job in the same place to do video editing for the company. (I was doing video editing and stuff in addition to helpdesk duties for a time) Basically, I get to shoot then edit video of company events and training sessions, then distribute the videos through either dvd or onby PhillyFilmmaker - Jobs Is the Canon XL2 really a 24p? - 17 years agoDoes the Canon XL2 really shoot in 24p? And, how do I make sure I import it correctly into FCP 5.01? I want to make sure I'm doing this right... Thanks.by PhillyFilmmaker - Café LA |