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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Learning Premiere Pro CC 2014 - 10 years agoCreativeCow.net has excellent free tutorials (most based on CS6 but as Jude mentioned...everything since then has been improvements) If you want to see the improvements and what they can do for you - go to the blog section of www.retooled.net he has excellent recaps of everything new since the CC version in a few videos Lynda.com is also great the best part of Premiere Pro is it is actby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Anyone like the FCP X update? - 11 years ago..and did i mention the keyframable real time audio mixer? And tracks? Outstanding in Premiere Pro - as well as seamless round-tripping to Audition, AE Photoshop and now Speedgrade - no transcoding for that - just open the Premiere Timeline in Speedgrade - grade - save - and you're back with the same (now graded footage) in Premiere.by Andy Field - Café LA - X Re: Anyone like the FCP X update? - 11 years agoWe've found Premiere CC rock solid for long and short form (finished a 1/2 hour show a few months ago without a glitch) Export time isn't an issue as you offload it to Adobe's version of compressor - it grinds away in the background (real background - not FCPx's background till you start editing again and then it stops) while you go back and keep editing. AND - you can output multiple formaby Andy Field - Café LA - X Re: Anyone like the FCP X update? - 11 years agoThe changes seem primarily directed toward getting folks to buy the new MacBook Tower to take advantage of the under the hood improvements. Sadly there seems to nothing in there to convince folks who weren't happy with what was missing to say now is the time to switch.by Andy Field - Café LA - X Re: Anyone like the FCP X update? - 11 years agoNothing says Apple missed the mark like the deafening silence on this 10.1 update......by Andy Field - Café LA - X Anyone like the FCP X update? - 11 years agoFeels like "meh" None of what folks who didn't like X wanted (Tracks, Mixer better CC, roundtripping to Motion) Brought back more structural things to make media management easier...but anything else to convince a FCP 7 refugee who's moved to Premiere to give it another look?by Andy Field - Café LA - X Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoAgree with Strypes. Premiere Pro CC is the FCP 8 you were waiting for...and then some - outstanding dynamic linking with everything Adobe makes - Sound/Pictures/Motion graphics. Natively edits every format AND the kitchen sync with no transcoding. Timeline packed with multiple formats and codecs and enough render bar red to illuminate Christmas? no problem - Premiere Pro CC plays it withby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe updates all video apps - coming in October - 11 years agocoolest upgrade - round-trip Premiere to Speedgrade with no transcodeby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7 - 11 years agoYes - overall, very happy with Premiere Pro CC - if you liked FCP 7, you will love this version - they fixed virtually everything we asked for. no transcoding, fast, great export and sharing with other Adobe product functions....editing's easy and fun again.by Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7 - 11 years agoThe Impact Transitions are terrific - use the blur and push effects quite a bit......wish other FCP7 plug in makers would port their products to Premiere Pro - I'll be first in line to purchase CHV?......Nattress.....(he's got one I think but would love the rest) and others...by Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7 - 11 years agoThanks for the Creative Impatience tip -- these are great plugins...saves a lot of time sending to After Effects to mask and CC and return....here are the links if anyone doesn't have them Power Window Premiere Pro -FREE and the rest of their filters ..all ridiculously free All Creative Impatience Free Premiere Pro filtersby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead... - 11 years agoIt's not dead yet! .....just no more new versions -- CS6 Encore lives on - even with CreativeCloud Go here still works - just as DVD Studio Pro still works (if you bought it when they were still selling the suite) At least Adobe will continue to support even thought it's EOL just another format falling by the wayside (had only one client request a DVD this year - everything elseby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoI installed on Lion 10.7.x without a problem - haven't used mountain lion yetby Andy Field - Café LA Premiere Pro 7.0.1 - more like FCP 8 with every update - 11 years agoHave worked with Premiere Pro 7 for several months now...in Beta and now release -- just a few weeks after official cloud release they've delivered 7.0.1.....great improvements...lightening fast...no transcoding..even plays and edits those pesky .mts files ...and you can set up to work virtually the same as FCP 7....they've even included the FCP keyboard shortcuts as an option. There are someby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: migration from FCP7 to AVID Media Composer - 11 years agoAgree that Premiere will make many of your headaches vanish - but if you must migrate a project to avid - here's the pain free way to do it (and it means transcoding all your media to Avid friendly MFX format) We have NEVER been able to get Avid's AMA relinking to work constantly or at all with the transfer - and even the regular AVID AMA is of little value as you must transcode it all eby Andy Field - Avid Media Composer Re: Suggestion - Separate NLE Forums for LACPUG - 12 years agoThis was THE go to pace for professional editors to learn about FCP - with the interest less than enthusiastic for X...those same editors now moving on to AVID and Premiere without a similar "go to" place .....as this feels like home for a lot of us - would be good to make it easier for that dialogue.by Andy Field - Café LA Re: Suggestion - Separate NLE Forums for LACPUG - 12 years agoBoth ideas are good...Cafe NLE is probably a better meeting ground as a common room to check in I started the conversation because there was always reasonable, great feedback here (in contrast to the "Final Cut X or Not" daily food fight over at the Cow) Many of us are fish out of water with new NLE's - predominantly Premiere and Avid....many skills learned on this forum are transby Andy Field - Café LA Suggestion - Separate NLE Forums for LACPUG - 12 years agoThis comes from someone who's learned and helped others for a nearly a decade on this site....realizing I rarely check in any more with the advent of FCPX and migrating to Premiere and Avid. The editing community here is one of the most helpful and generous and it might help keep this a vital first stop site if Michael created NLE specific forums - for Premiere, Avid, Smoke etc so that raby Andy Field - Café LA Re: OT - Subtitle App Beta Tester Wanted - 12 years agoandreas - is this a closed captioning system as well? We have a project coming up that needs that --if that's what this doesby Andy Field - Café LA - X Re: Sawtoothing on DVD - 12 years agoI have the solution, but you may not like it. We encounter this on virtually every mpeg based project including any flavor of XDCAM. There are several options. 1 - transcode everything to pro-res before editing...and edit a pro-res timeline 2 - keep your native XDCAM format (or other mpeg based) and have your timeline render everything in Pro-Res 3 - and this is what works for us bby Andy Field - Café LA Re: back to the basics... - 12 years agoI have the solution, but you may not like it. We encounter this on virtually every mpeg based project including any flavor of XDCAM. There are several options. 1 - transcode everything to pro-res before editing...and edit a pro-res timeline 2 - keep your native XDCAM format (or other mpeg based) and have your timeline render everything in Pro-Res 3 - and this is what works for us bby Andy Field - Café LA Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back - 12 years agoI get to about 4:03 in that demo video and have not been able to get everything to relink - everything before that works -- not sure whyby Andy Field - Café LA Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back - 12 years agoHi -sorry if I wasn't clear -- First time (and most times) workign with auto duck FROM FCP to AVID just did the export with AMA relinking - didn't change any media (it was sometimes XDCAM or DVCPRO HD) Opened the project file in AVID - opened fine -- did the AMA relinking per Autoducks on line video tutorials - everything lit up yellow saying it was linked (but not really because thereby Andy Field - Café LA Re: CalDigit VR2 Benefits - 12 years agoCan't say enough good things about CalDigit - rock solid drives, support... have a few of the VR Minis - they are are more expensive but well worth it for speed (if you have a sata cable that works with a macbook they are lightning fast...but even without very speedy - and bus powered) Had a directory crash with a lot of hard to replace time consuming material on a drive - their tech supporby Andy Field - Café LA Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back - 12 years agoBy the way -- if you have to go the other way - Autoduck works -- but only if you transcode everything to MFX format that AVID likes -- Here are the magic export settings I discovered after a lot of trial and error (haven't tried it back from AVID to FINAL CUT -- found that FCP to AVID using AMA works up until the point you try to re-link the AMA Quicktime Files in AVID - never was able to get iby Andy Field - Café LA Premiere Pro CS6 - easy transition - 12 years agoCut first short spot on Premere Pro CS6 - extraordinarily easy transition from FCP7. 1st impressions - the good incredibly fast -- red render bars - yellow render bars - PP ignores them and keeps editing without a stutter on macbook pro intel core i7 8 gigs of ram. virtually no transcode with anything you throw at it - just toss it in the timeline and edit (only caveat - it comforms allby Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Premiere Pro CS6 announced - 12 years agoWalter and Jude - curious as to what the Media Management shortcomings are -by Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Premiere Pro CS6 announced - 12 years agoPremiere Pro CS6 - the Conan editors aren't kidding when they say it's FCP 8 - incredibly responsive - takes anything you throw at it - FCP7 keyboard option has you editing with your eyes closed (well many folks who view my final product suspected that all along) If you are a whiz at FCP7 - it will take no time getting comfortable with this. Really impressed.by Andy Field - Adobe Premiere Pro CC any news from supermeet/Video links? - 12 years agocan't seem to find anything on line -- anyone have video or news? thanksby Andy Field - Café LA Re: Larry Jordan reveals Apple's FCPX Roadmap - 12 years agoWalter - you are an Orangeman!?!? Class of 79 here! I knew you were smarter than the average bear!by Andy Field - Café LA - X |