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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: Easiest Cheesy Transition Plug Ins? - 18 years agoTry this... Some extra-cheesy transitions from Artbeats These have a lot of curdled milk by-products too.... Know they were toying with making these FCP compliant - they may only work in After Effects - but I'd email them and see if their FCP project is still onby Andy Field - Café LA Re: G5 iMac vs. 15" G4 PowerBook - 18 years agoSean - instead...go with curtain number 3 - the fastest, most smok'n G5 Tower - the new ones may have rocket flames coming out the exhaust. I edit on the 15 inch powerbook and a dual 2 gig G5 tower - the G5 tower is significantly faster in virtually everything. Doesn't mean the 15 inch isn't workable...it's fine for portable editing...but unless you set your render qualities very low.....youby Andy Field - Café LA Re: Congrats Jude Cotter: 100,000 post in the Cafe - 18 years agoWhoowee dogggie! Thanks Mike!by Andy Field - Café LA Re: Varying the speed of a clip - 18 years agoTwixtor Pro does this WAYYYYYYY better. Of course it's WAAAAAY more expensive with a bit of a learning curve....but it's the software they use for those cool speed up slow down car comercials etc....(I've got a demo I've been playing with and it is very cool....just waiting for the client who wants a lot of "very cool" to finance the purchase! Andyby Andy Field - Café LA Re: Congrats Jude Cotter: 100,000 post in the Cafe - 18 years agoHey Mike... Looks like I'm post 100017 - can I get a box of Wheeties? A witness? By the way - great Digital Buzz last night - Andyby Andy Field - Café LA Re: Adding bass to crappy audio? - 18 years agoMissed one step that's important in EQ testing in FCP 4.5 and above... Do the excellent steps recommended above....but - in order to hear and play with the setting in real time do this: 1. have the clip to fix in your time line 2. put in and out point at either end of the clip 3. Double click the clip in timeline to open in viewer 4. add the eq filter be ready to play with the settings. THENby Andy Field - Café LA Re: How do I put a Final Cut Pro HD video on the Internet? - 18 years agoTry making it a medium sized flash file (you'll also need to know how to put that .flv file in a Flash container for your web site) The video looks good - small size - and plays almost instantly when you pull up the site and virtually everyone has flash in their browser (many corporate LANs don't have quicktime) Andyby Andy Field - Café LA Re: Convert .WMV to .MOV - 18 years agoNot free - but it works - Flip4mac.com www.flip4mac.com/wmv.htm WMV PLAYER PRO is your least expensive option - a bargain at 49.00 if you need to do a lot of this - Andyby Andy Field - Café LA Re: Kevin Monahan's Master's Seminar: FCP FX and Advanced Workflow - 18 years agoKevin - show us East Coast guys some love! Would love to attend your seminar...little two busy using our FCP to hop on a plane - you'd have a full house here in DC.....let me know if you are interested and I'll point you to our users groups here....Best wishes, Andy Fieldby Andy Field - Café LA Re: FCP 5 Render Funkiness - 18 years agoNick, thanks for the Control B tip....although I don't remember FCP doing this in version 4 or earlier....it seemed updates in Nests were always reflected in the main timeline as well. - Andyby Andy Field - Café LA |