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Re: Transcode FS7 sLog MXF footage to ProRes422 Rec 709-- simple or difficult? - 6 years agoYeah just add them as a LUT from one of two menus in Lumetri. There's one in the 'Basic Correction' tab and one in the 'Creative' tab. It doesn't really matter which one you choose if it gives you the look you need. Also, there's tons of free LUTs out there to give you a great range of instant (or startup) looks.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Best Transcription software - 6 years agoSecond Speedscriber of you're reading this thread and looking for answers. We recently used it on more than 200 interviews with all kinds of accents and it worked really well. As Loren says you have to go over the results, but it gets you a long way down the road at about 10 times real time.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Transferring from Sony analog to FCP7 - 6 years agoI'm racking my brain for the correct terminology - there was a setting that you had to have enabled... oh, non-controllable device. If you're set up e to e and you have non controllable device selected, you can press record on the system and then run the tape, which should make the signal show up and be captured. We used to do this with and old SP deck connected to a DSR-11.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Best replacement for FCP - 6 years agoHey Scott (and everyone else, long time no type ) I've been on Premiere for many years now - and it's very much like what FCP should have become IMHO. Once you get going you'll find it's really not much different to what you're used to, with a lot of new updated perks. I think the things that will translate from your old projects will be very simple things that are cross platform, like diby Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Audio sync issues on project - 8 years agoI'm not sure why it's happening, but what format did you cut in? Perhaps try exporting the timeline as it is natively, then making this file into a MP4 in AME or by bringing it back into Premiere.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Embedding Closed Captioning into MPEG4 - 8 years agoI'm not a billion percent positive that mp4s will accept closed captioning, but if that's what the broadcaster is asking for then I guess it must be possible. Here's a quick start guide to the captions workflow in Premiere. If you search Adobetv you'll probably find some good videos too.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: ProRes 422 (HQ) with Linear PCM Audio? - 8 years agoYes, as Jon says, that's what they mean. Uncompressed will do the job.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: embedded timecode (VITC) - 8 years agoErm to the best of my knowledge this is pretty automatic. How can it not have timecode? Do they possibly mean that it doesn't start at 10 hours? So it starts at 0? I deliver Quicktime ProRes HQ out of Premiere for international QC all the time and have not heard this one before.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Dropping Frames upon Tape Export in FCP 7 / Yosemite - 9 years agoI've been having some trouble with small freezes in Yosemite recently. Maybe you're dropping frames due to something like this? Try opening your console (Applications > Utilities > Console) and see if you're getting a lot of recurring nasties. Also check your Activity monitor to see if something there looks a bit dodgy.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: DSLR footage - Master export to Pro Res or Pro Res HQ? - 9 years agoYeah - make sure your preview files are set up to be ProRes if you use the 'use previews' option - I fell for this one too a couple of times. I also usually export a ProRes copy when I'm at or near the final, purely so there's a best quality backup of the project in case of complete catastrophe. But if you're not using it for backup, then as everyone says, you'll probably not notice any diffeby Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Your Work Sucks - Being honest without burning bridges - 9 years agoI would say that I was worried about the film and point out how the music is killing the dramatic and comedic moments in a particular few places, but not couch it in an accusing way. Then see what the reaction is to those couple of things before proceeding. Sometimes people like different stuff to you, and if it's their film, there's really not a lot you can do about it.by Jude Cotter - Café LA New Creative Cloud Apps - auto animation - 9 years agoThis looks fun! Auto character animation based on your own face in a webcam.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Changing playback speed with no timeline effect - 9 years agoThe Time Tuner does my head in a bit. Does it really mean you can cut a program to 28 minutes and then just ask PP to make the output 25 for a different broadcaster, and it will do it seamlessly and automatically? Boggling. Looking forward to having a play with it!by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Adobe CC still has issues... - 9 years agoSo you're not using CC, but not happy with its performance? If you're happy with FCP7 and it does everything you need without trouble, then not sure why you need to move. I can personally say that I am delivering broadcast materials with CC though, and not having trouble getting it out the door.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Adobe CC still has issues... - 9 years agoI'm not sure about R3D but we have successfully sent Arri merged clip projects to Resolve without any dramas. In what way does match frame not work correctly? Do you have your playhead over the clip you want to match to? If you're match framing to a selected clip and your playhead is somewhere else, I think it matches to the playhead in some versions - this is a hangover from old Premiere (prby Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Changing playback speed with no timeline effect - 9 years agoMove to Premiere, Stefan There are a bunch of time adjustments that work great - my favourite is a tool that lets you grab the end of the clip and adjust it to the length you want, and the speed is automatically adjusted. Great for matching beats in seconds without messing up your whole cut.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Uncovering a title in motion - 9 years agoOh sorry, that was me. I thought it was Motion 4 - got the versions mixed up. Moving it back now.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Syncing Dual System Audio in Premiere - tutorial - 9 years agoHere's a nice tutorial on syncing dual system audio in Premiere at high speed using Multicam rather than merging clips. There's also some nice keyboard shortcuts featured.by Jude Cotter - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: CleanUp. A Voice Filter for Field Recordings - 9 years agolol. I thought it was great - I totally got sucked in right to the point of download, so I thought I'd let someone else get fooled by adding to the hype. Nice one Koz! The Premiere stuff is here Joe - it's a free set of presets : Free Audio Presets for Premiere And also a good write up on how to work with problem audio.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: CleanUp. A Voice Filter for Field Recordings - 9 years agoOh I just got a set for Premiere that are a great stepping off point, but I really like that you made this standalone - and free! I owe youby Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Lots of photographs - looking for a good approach - 9 years agoWhat OS are you on Nick? You could always just change the folder with the pics in to icon view and increase the size of the icons, which should show you a mini version of each. Then just import what you want the normal way, or by direct drag and drop from the folder. If there's some kind of logic to them you could sort them into bins too, which would make the searching easier.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Congrats Nick! - 9 years ago>>set in Perth, where Jude lives, the film is full of crazies, and wild and dangerous people.<< Yes well, that's just Perth Nick. Should see Northbridge n Saturday night. I didn't know you cut this one. How come you East coast guys keep stealing all our films? Eh? Eh?by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Congrats Nick! - 9 years agoIt's Australia. You can't stand still too long or the flies carry you off.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Congrats Nick! - 9 years agoOh, video embedding not working properly for some reason. Still a great trailer.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Congrats Nick! - 9 years agoJust wanted to take a moment to congratulate Nick Meyers here, for editing the recent massive hit film 'Paper Planes' here in Oz. Look out for it coming to a country near you. Great job Nick! video:by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Too many tracks! - what to do - 10 years agoAre you going to multicam or stack? If you're going the multicam route then I'd do a test to see if all the useful metadata is being retained when you strip off the extra audio. But then if you're mutlicaming you can select which audio track to use as you go, from memory, so the audio could stay intact. And I'd also make a couple of backups of all the master footage (!), given the cards wouldby Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Too many tracks! - what to do - 10 years agoI don't see any gotchas, unless the app changes the video format into something you don't really want. Will you need to match back to the masters or will these be new masters? If new masters then you could just consider the XDCam stuff tape backup for emergencies.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: XDCam movs... do i need the XML file? - 10 years agoI honestly can't remember if FCP legacy needed the XMLs intact. I would try moving one and see if it breaks the corresponding media file. Some of those structure things are set in stone in older systems.by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: Too many tracks! - what to do - 10 years agoIf you're stacking files, why not just not add the four blank tracks when you add to the timeline? Do that twice and you're down to 8 tracks. Or am I missing something?by Jude Cotter - Café LA Re: brightness of subtitles - 10 years agoGenerally, whites should not go over RGB 235 235 235, but this is really a reference for making titles in something like photoshop. If you are not monitoring on a broadcast monitor you won't be able to see if there is any damage to the image, but you can always turn on your range check to see if you're out of legal. If you're inside legal it usually doesn't jar.by Jude Cotter - Café LA |